Fixing Node.js Error: Failed to load C++ BSON extension

Updated: December 28, 2023 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

Understanding the BSON Error

When working with Node.js, particularly with MongoDB and Mongoose, you might encounter an error message that reads Failed to load C++ BSON extension. This error typically occurs when the native BSON parser that comes with some MongoDB related packages is not compiled correctly, or a fallback JavaScript parser is not being used.

Steps to Resolve the BSON Error

Reinstalling Node Modules

Begin by trying to reinstall the Node modules. Often, a simple reinstall can trigger the compilation of the native extensions required by Node.js for BSON. Remove the node_modules directory and the package-lock.json file, then re-run npm install. If the issue was due to a corrupted module state, this will likely fix it.

Rebuilding Modules

You can force a rebuild of all installed C++ modules by using the command npm rebuild. This can help in situations where the native module did not compile correctly during the installation process.

Updating NPM and Node.js

Insuring that you are using the latest versions of NPM and Node.js can solve many issues related to native module compilation. Run npm update -g npm to update NPM and consult the official Node.js website for instructions to update Node.js itself.

Fallback to Pure JavaScript BSON Parser

If the native parser continues to fail, a workaround is to use the pure JavaScript BSON parser that comes with the ‘bson’ package. You can instruct your application to ignore the native parser and use the JavaScript version by setting the environment variable JSBSON=1 before starting your application. On Unix systems, you could run export JSBSON=1 and on Windows, you would use set JSBSON=1.

Code Example

As an example, after following the above steps, a simple Node.js application connecting to MongoDB using Mongoose might look like this:

const mongoose = require('mongoose');

mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017/mydatabase', { useNewUrlParser: true, useUnifiedTopology: true });

const db = mongoose.connection;
db.on('error', console.error.bind(console, 'connection error:'));
db.once('open', function() {
  console.log('Connected to the database successfully');

In this code, we are not doing anything specifically related to BSON, as Mongoose handles that internally. However, the steps we discussed above will help ensure that internal handling does not result in the BSON error.


By following these guidelines—reinstalling node modules, rebuilding modules, updating NPM and Node.js, or falling back to the JavaScript BSON parser—you should be able to resolve the Failed to load C++ BSON extension error and ensure your Node.js application interacts with MongoDB successfully.