Fixing Node.js npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE Error

Updated: December 27, 2023 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

The ELIFECYCLE error is a common issue in Node.js that developers encounter when running npm scripts. This error typically indicates that a script defined in the package.json file has exited with an error or has been terminated by a signal.

Common Reasons Behind the Error

  • Exit status from a script: The script may have returned a non-zero exit code, indicating that it encountered an error.
  • Permission issues: The user running the npm script might lack the necessary permissions to execute certain commands.
  • Corrupted node_modules: The project’s node_modules directory or a specific package within could be corrupted.
  • Outdated packages: Dependencies may be outdated or incompatible with other packages or the Node.js version you are using.

Steps to Fix the Error

  1. Check the error log: Review the npm output log to understand the specific cause of the error.
  2. Run with verbose logging: Use npm run script-name --verbose to get more details about the error.
  3. Ensure correct permissions: Verify the current user has the necessary permissions to execute scripts and access files.
  4. Clean cache and node_modules:
    npm cache clean --force
    rm -rf node_modules
    npm install

    This clears the cache and reinstalls the project dependencies.

  5. Update npm and Node.js: Ensure that npm and Node.js are up to date by downloading the latest versions from their official websites.
  6. Review custom scripts: If your package.json contains custom scripts, double-check for any errors within those scripts.

Code Snippet Example

Below is an example of how to update Node.js and npm to the latest versions:

// Update npm to the latest version
curl -L | sh

// Update Node.js using Node Version Manager (nvm)
nvm install node
nvm use node

After performing the updates, you can try rerunning your npm script:

npm run your-script-name

If none of the above solutions resolve the issue, check the script associated with the lifecycle event and debug from there to identify and fix the issue.