Fixing NumPy IndexError: Index is out of bounds for axis 0 with size N

Updated: January 22, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

The Problem

Encountering an IndexError in NumPy can be frustrating, especially when the error message states, ‘Index is out of bounds for axis 0 with size N.’ This problem typically arises when trying to access an array element that does not exist, i.e., the index you are trying to access is either negative or larger than the array’s last index along the specified axis. But don’t fret! In this guide, we’ll cover practical solutions for tackling this error head-on.


Solution 1: Check Array Bounds Before Accessing

Before accessing an array element, ensure the index is within the valid range of 0 to the length of the array minus one. This preemptive check helps prevent IndexError by validating the index.

  1. Get the array size using the array.shape attribute.
  2. Compare the index with the array size to confirm it’s within bounds.
  3. If the index is valid, proceed with accessing the array element; otherwise, handle the error.
import numpy as np

# Example array arr = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])

# Function to access array elements safely def safe_access(array, index):
    array_size = array.shape[0]
    if 0 <= index < array_size:
        return array[index]
        raise ValueError('Index is out of bounds')

# Accessing the element at index 3 safely try:
    element = safe_access(arr, 3)
    print('Accessed Element:', element)
except ValueError as e:

This approach is simple and effective in preventing out-of-bounds errors. However, it adds overhead due to the necessity of checks before each access.

Solution 2: Use NumPy’s Built-in Functionality

NumPy offers built-in functions that handle indexing safely. Utilizing methods like np.take can prevent IndexError by bounding the provided index to the size of the array.

  1. Use the np.take function to access array elements while avoiding index errors.
  2. Specify the ‘mode’ argument like ‘clip’ to limit the index within bounds.
  3. Catch any potential warnings if handling indices outside the valid range is required.
import numpy as np

# Sample array
arr = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])

# Attempting safely to access an out-of-bounds index
element = np.take(arr, index, mode='clip')
print('Accessed Element:', element)

Using np.take is handy, especially with the ‘clip’ mode, as it ensures that out-of-bounds indexes are handled seamlessly without throwing errors.

Solution 3: Reshape Your Array Appropriately

If your operations involve reshaping the array, ensure that the target shape is correct and consistent with the original array size. An invalid reshape can lead to index errors during later operations.

  1. Calculate the new shape dimensions based on the total number of elements in the array.
  2. Use numpy.reshape to apply the new shape only if it’s compatible with the original size.
  3. Access the array using the correct indices corresponding to the new shape.
import numpy as np

# Original array
original_array = np.arange(10)

# Correct reshape
new_shape = (2, 5)  # This must be compatible with the total number of elements in the original array
reshaped_array = original_array.reshape(new_shape)

# Now, access a valid element
element = reshaped_array[1, 4]  # Accessing the element in the second row, fifth column
print('Accessed Element:', element)

The reshape technique ensures you are working with arrays that have dimensions that match your index access patterns. However, if misunderstood, one might still encounter index out-of-bounds errors if indices are not matched correctly post reshape.


Understanding and anticipating potential index errors in NumPy is crucial to maintaining robust and error-free code. Whether by performing index checks, using built-in functions, or ensuring proper shape during reshaping, each method has its merits and can be applied depending on the context. With these solutions, you should now be equipped to deal with ‘Index is out of bounds for axis 0 with size N’ errors effectively.