Fixing NumPy InvalidOperationError: Cannot convert non-finite values (NA or inf) to integer

Updated: January 22, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

The Problem

NumPy is an essential library in Python for numerical computations. However, while dealing with arrays, you might encounter errors due to invalid operations. One such error is InvalidOperationError: Cannot convert non-finite values (NA or inf) to integer. This error occurs when attempting to convert non-finite values like NaN (Not a Number), NA (Not Available), or infinity (inf) to an integer. Understanding the reasons and solutions to fix this error can be critical for data handling and preprocessing in scientific computing or data science projects.

Solution 1: Use NumPy’s isnan or isfinite Functions

The most direct approach is to utilize NumPy’s built-in functions like isnan or isfinite to identify and deal with non-finite values. By masking or replacing these identified values, you can prepare your array for safe conversion to integers.


  1. Identify non-finite values using np.isnan or np.isfinite.
  2. Decide whether to remove these values or replace them.
  3. Perform the required operation.
  4. Convert the array to integer data type safely.

Code Example:

import numpy as np

# Creating a sample array with non-finite values
array_with_nans = np.array([1.0, np.nan, 3.0, np.inf, 5.0])

# Identifying finite elements
finite_mask = np.isfinite(array_with_nans)

# Filtering only finite elements
finite_array = array_with_nans[finite_mask]

# Converting finite values to integers
int_array = finite_array.astype(int)

Output: [1 3 5]

This approach is straight forward but does not work if retention of array shape is necessary, as it only leaves finite values. It’s suitable for scenarios where the presence of non-finite values can be ignored.

Solution 2: Fill Non-Finite Values Before Conversion

If the dataset’s integrity must be maintained, replacing non-finite values with a defined placeholder, such as zero or the mean value of the finite numbers, before converting to integers, can be a suitable approach.


  1. Detect non-finite values in the array.
  2. Assign a placeholder value to these non-finite elements.
  3. Convert the array to an integer type with the method astype(int).

Code Example:

import numpy as np

# Creating a sample array with NaN and inf values
array_with_nans = np.array([1.0, np.nan, 3.0, np.inf, 5.0])

# Filling NaN and inf with a chosen placeholder value, e.g., 0
filled_array = np.nan_to_num(array_with_nans, nan=0, posinf=0, neginf=0)

# Converting to integer types
int_array = filled_array.astype(int)

Output: [1 0 3 0 5]

This method maintains array shape but may introduce placeholder artifacts that could influence further analysis. Ensure that the chosen placeholder value makes sense for the dataset and intended analysis.

Solution 3: Convert with Careful Conditionals

In cases where automated functions are not desirable or flexible enough, a user-defined function can provide more granular control over how non-finite values are handled during conversion.


  1. Create a user-defined function to check each element.
  2. Decide upon a policy for non-finite values within that function.
  3. Apply the function to the array.
  4. Convert the updated array to integer data type.

Code Example:

import numpy as np

# Defining a custom function for conversion
def safe_convert_to_int(value, default=0):
    return int(value) if np.isfinite(value) else default

# Creating a sample array with NaN and inf values
array_with_nans = np.array([1.0, np.nan, 3.0, np.inf, 5.0])

# Applying the custom conversion function
int_array = np.array([safe_convert_to_int(val) for val in array_with_nans])

Output: [1 0 3 0 5]

This technique allows for high customization but is less efficient than vectorized operations in NumPy. It is beneficial when complex logic is required for the conversion process.