Fixing numpy.linalg.LinAlgError: Singular matrix

Updated: January 24, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

The Problem

The numpy.linalg.LinAlgError: Singular matrix error is a common issue faced by many users when working with linear algebra operations in Python using NumPy. This error indicates that an attempt has been made to invert a matrix that has no inverse – in other words, the matrix is singular. This tutorial will uncover the reasons behind this error and provide effective solutions to resolve it.

Understanding the Singular Matrix

A matrix is singular if its determinant is zero, which implies that it does not have a unique inverse or no inverse at all. In various mathematical computations, particularly in solving a system of linear equations, the inverses of matrices are crucial. When using functions such as numpy.linalg.inv() to compute the inverse, or numpy.linalg.solve() to solve the equations, a singular matrix will lead to the LinAlgError.

Solution 1: Use Pseudo-Inverse

If a matrix is singular or near-singular, using the Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse, which computes a generalized inverse, may provide a practical solution, even if the results may not strictly comply with the true inverse conditions.

  1. Check the condition number of the matrix using numpy.linalg.cond() to assess its singularity level.
  2. Use numpy.linalg.pinv() to find the pseudo-inverse of the matrix.
  3. Proceed with the pseudo-inverse, being aware of the implications and limitations of this approach.


import numpy as np

A = np.array([[1, 2], [2, 4]])
cond_number = np.linalg.cond(A)
print('Condition number:', cond_number)
pseudo_inv_A = np.linalg.pinv(A)
print('Pseudo-inverse of A:\n', pseudo_inv_A)

Note: Using the pseudo-inverse allows you to handle singular or near-singular matrices, but it may not be suitable for all cases. The results obtained using pseudo-inverse should be interpreted with caution, especially for ill-conditioned matrices with very high condition numbers.

Solution 2: Regularization

The process of regularization involves a slight modification of the matrix that can prevent singularities. This is used in many cases, such as with Tikhonov regularization or by adding a small identity matrix.

  • Identify the problematic matrix that needs to be regularized.
  • Add a small multiple of the identity matrix to it, which can often resolve the singularity issue.
  • Proceed with the computation, typically inverting or solving the system.


import numpy as np

A = np.array([[1, 2], [2, 4]])
epsilon = 1e-5 # Small value
regularized_A = A + epsilon * np.eye(A.shape[0])
inv_regularized_A = np.linalg.inv(regularized_A)
print('Inverse of regularized A:\n', inv_regularized_A)

Note: Adding a small constant can allow the inversion, but it effectively changes the problem you are solving. Care must be taken to ensure that the resulting solution remains valid for the intended application.


Encountering a numpy.linalg.LinAlgError: Singular matrix indicates that you’re trying to perform an operation on a matrix that lacks an inverse. The solutions presented here involve using the pseudo-inverse, which computes a generalized inverse, or regularization, which slightly modifies the matrix to prevent singularities. These techniques provide practical workarounds, but it is crucial to be aware of the implications and the context-specific validity of the results obtained. While these strategies can help with singular matrices, understanding the properties of the matrix in question and its role in your calculations is critical to applying the best possible fix.