Fixing PHP Error: Unexpected T_STRING

Updated: January 13, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


When working with PHP, you might encounter the ‘Unexpected T_STRING’ error. This can be a frustrating obstacle to overcome, especially for beginners. This error typically suggests that PHP encountered a string where it wasn’t expecting one, often due to a syntax mistake. In this guide, we’ll explore what causes this error and how to fix it.

Understanding T_STRING

The ‘T_STRING’ is part of the PHP parser’s tokenizing mechanism. Tokens like T_STRING are internal parser codes that represent different elements of PHP code. When PHP says it encountered an ‘Unexpected T_STRING’, it means that it found a string of text in a place in your code where it wasn’t expecting it, indicating a syntax error is present.

Common Causes of T_STRING Errors

  • Missing semicolons
  • Unclosed quotes
  • Missing brackets or incorrect bracket use
  • Unclosed comments
  • Parsing HTML within PHP improperly

Step-by-Step Guide to Fixing T_STRING Errors

Identifying the exact cause of the ‘Unexpected T_STRING’ error can be challenging, but following these steps can help you find and fix the issue.

Step 1 – Check for Missing Semicolons

PHP statements should end with a semicolon. A missing semicolon can cause PHP to continue reading into the next line of code, leading to syntax errors.

echo 'Hello, World'
// Missing semicolon here can cause an error
echo 'This is a test'; 

Ensure every statement ends with a semicolon.

Step 2 – Look for Unclosed Quotes

When defining strings, always check to make sure your quotes are closed.

echo 'This is a string; 
// Error! The string wasn't closed with a matching quote
echo "Another string";

Matching quotes will prevent T_STRING errors.

Step 3 – Verify Brackets and Parentheses

Incorrectly used or missing brackets or parentheses can cause syntax errors. Each opening bracket, brace, or parenthesis should have a corresponding closing counterpart.

if ($a == $b) {
echo 'The values are equal';
// Error! Missing closing brace

Review your conditions and control structures for proper use of brackets and parentheses.

Step 4 – Ensure That Comments Are Closed

In PHP, comments come in two forms: single-line (// or #) and multi-line (/* */). If you forget to close a multi-line comment, PHP may interpret the subsequent code as part of the comment and throw an error.

/* This is a multi-line comment
echo 'This will not be executed';
// Error! Missing closing tag for the comment

Always close multi-line comments to avoid syntax errors.

Step 5 – Parse HTML Correctly Inside PHP

Embedding HTML within PHP can also lead to T_STRING errors. Ensure that you switch in and out of PHP mode correctly when mixing PHP with HTML.

echo '<div>This is a div element</div>';
// OR use standard HTML and the PHP closing tag
echo "<p>This is a paragraph.</p>";
<p>This is outside of the PHP tag.</p>

This ensures your HTML is parsed correctly outside of the PHP code blocks.

Additional Tips

  • Use a text editor or IDE with syntax highlighting to help spot errors.
  • Enable error reporting by adding ini_set('display_errors', 1); error_reporting(E_ALL); at the beginning of your script during development.
  • Look closely at error line hints, but remember that the actual error may be earlier in your code.


‘Unexpected T_STRING’ errors in PHP are common and often easy to fix. By careful reading of the error message and meticulous examination of your code, you can detect issues relating to syntax problems. Remember to check the quotes, semicolons, brackets, and how you’re parsing HTML in PHP. Fixing the error involves correcting the syntax issue, and with practice, you’ll find that you can resolve these types of errors more quickly and with less hassle.

Always test your PHP code in a controlled environment to catch these errors before deploying your application to a live server. Happy coding!