Fixing PHP Fatal error: Cannot instantiate abstract class

Updated: January 11, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Encountering a ‘Fatal error’ in PHP can be a daunting experience for any developer. Among the varied errors you might come across, ‘Cannot instantiate abstract class’ is one that is linked specifically to PHP’s object-oriented programming features. In this tutorial, we will dive into the nature of this error, its causes, and the step-by-step solutions to resolve it. By the end of this tutorial, you will understand how to work with abstract classes in PHP and how to debug issues related to them.

Understanding Abstract Classes in PHP

Before we can fix the fatal error, it’s important to understand what an abstract class in PHP is. In object-oriented programming, an abstract class is a class that cannot be instantiated directly. They are meant to be a partial blueprint for other classes to extend. Abstract classes can contain normal methods as well as abstract methods, which are methods declared without an implementation. Concrete classes extending an abstract class are required to implement the abstract methods specified by the parent abstract class.

Identifying the Error

The ‘Cannot instantiate abstract class’ error occurs when your PHP code attempts to directly create an object instance of an abstract class. The complete error message usually provides the line number in the script, which attempted the object instantiation of the abstract class. This information is critical, as the first step in resolving the error is to identify where the issue occurred in your code.

Solutions to the Error

Refactoring the Code

Once you have located the problematic line in your code, there are several approaches to refactor it. These generally involve creating a concrete subclass that extends the abstract class and contains implementations for all its abstract methods. Instances should be created from this concrete subclass rather than the abstract class directly.

Understanding the Codebase

If you’re working within a larger codebase or framework, it’s important to fully understand the architecture. Look out for the inheritance chain and make sure that the final class you are trying to instantiate is indeed not abstract. Additionally, investigate whether factories or dependency injection containers are used within the codebase to manage object creation.

Correcting Object Creation

Once you have the proper non-abstract class, correct your object creation statement to instantiate an instance of this class. The updated statement should now succeed without throwing a fatal error.

Implementing Error Handling

It’s also advisable to use try-catch blocks to handle exceptions, providing error messages that will help you in debugging whenever object creation fails. This will help in not only capturing the fatal error but also other related exceptions that may arise during object instantiation.

Using Reflection

In a more complex system especially when dealing with dynamic class names, PHP’s ReflectionClass can be used to check whether a class is abstract before attempting to instantiate it. This will prevent the fatal error from happening, and allow your application to handle the situation gracefully.

Best Practices

Code Reviews

To prevent this error from occurring in the future, conducting thorough code reviews where the use of abstract classes and inheritance is clearly reviewed and understood by the development team is crucial.

Unit Testing

Developing unit tests that cover new code is also one way of catching an attempt to instantiate an abstract class during the development phase, preventing the error from occurring in a production environment.


Understanding the role of abstract classes in PHP and the necessity of adhering to the principles of object-oriented programming are essential to prevent and fix ‘Cannot instantiate abstract class’ errors. Through refactoring, correct object creation, use of ReflectionClass, and implementing best practices such as code review and testing, you can prevent these PHP fatal errors from disrupting your application.