Fixing PHP Fatal error: Nesting level too deep – recursive dependency (3 ways)

Updated: January 10, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

The Problem

The PHP fatal error ‘Nesting level too deep – recursive dependency’ is a common problem that PHP developers encounter which can prove both perplexing and challenging to resolve. The error typically occurs when using comparison operators or when recursion depth becomes excessively deep. This seemingly cryptic message is actually PHP’s way of telling you that it’s gotten stuck in a loop of sorts – it has encountered a situation where it cannot differentiate between separate instances of the same entity because they are too deeply nested or because they link back to themselves recursively.

Solution 1: Increase Xdebug nesting level

Xdebug is a PHP extension that provides debugging and profiling capabilities. By default, Xdebug has a maximum function nesting level to prevent crashes due to infinite recursion. If this limit is reached, the ‘Nesting level too deep’ error is thrown. Raising the limit can provide a temporary fix.

  1. Locate your php.ini or xdebug.ini file.
  2. Search for the parameter ‘xdebug.max_nesting_level’.
  3. Increase its value significantly.
  4. Restart your web server.


ini_set('xdebug.max_nesting_level', 300);

Performance discussion: This solution does not have a tremendous impact on performance, as it only increases the threshold that triggers the error. However, be cautious as setting the value too high can mask issues of severe recu rsion which could ultimately lead to performance degradation.

Notes: This is a temporary fix and does not address the underlying problem of excessive recursion or nested comparisons. It’s recommended to investigate and resolve the cause of deep nesting or recursion.

Solution 2: Refactor Recursive Functions

Excessive recursion is often the cause of this fatal error. By refactoring the recursive functions to reduce the depths of recursion or converting them to an iterative process, this error can often be resolv ed.

  1. Analyze your recursive function to understand its execution flow.
  2. Identify conditions or cases that lead to deep nesting or recursion.
  3. Revise the function to minimize recursive calls.
  4. Test the refactored function exhaustively to ensure it still achieves the intended results.


function recursiveFunc($num) {
    if ($num <= 0) {
        return 1;
    return $num * recursiveFunc($num - 1);

// Refactored code
function iterativeFunc($num) {
    $result = 1;
    for ($i = $num; $i > 0; $i--) {
        $result *= $i;
    return $result;

Performance discussion: By reducing the levels of recursion, you’re also decreasing the stack use in each call. In some cases, an iterative solution might also prove to be faster than its recursive counterpart. Not only does refactoring solve the immediate error, but it can often result in faster and more memory-efficient code, particularly for heavy computational tasks.

Notes: While refactoring can be beneficial, some algorithms are naturally recursive (such as those dealing with tree structures), and their iterative versions can be difficult to implement. Furthermore, refactoring is a time-consuming process and not thoroughly testing the refactored code can introduce new bugs into the system.

Solution 3: Adjust ArrayComparisons

A ‘Nesting level too deep’ error can be triggered in PHP when overly complex arrays are compared using comparison operators. Splitting the array or performing element-by-element comparison may avert the issue.

  1. Simplify the array comparison logic, if possible.
  2. Use loops or array functions to compare arrays on an element-by-element basis.
  3. Adjust the logic to prevent deep nested comparisons.


$array1 = [/* complex array */];
$array2 = [/* another complex array */];

// Original comparison
if ($array1 == $array2) {
    // do something

// Refactored Element-by-Element comparison
foreach ($array1 as $key => $value) {
    if ($array1[$key] !== $array2[$key]) {
        // do something different

Performance discussion: Element-by-element comparison can be more time-consuming depending on the size of the arrays and the complexity of the elements within. This method increases the amount of logic required but prevents the runtime error from occurring.

Notes: It is crucial to ensure that the two arrays are of the same dimension and have the same keys before conducting element-by-element comparisons to avoid mismatches and potential errors.