Fixing PHP parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘class’ (T_CLASS)

Updated: January 10, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

The unexpected 'class' (T_CLASS) error in PHP is a common issue that can be both confusing and frustrating for developers. Understanding the reasons behind the error and knowing how to solve it efficiently can save a lot of time and effort. This tutorial aims to provide a clear guide on how to approach and fix this syntax error.

Cause of the Error

This specific error usually happens when PHP encounters a class keyword where it doesn’t expect one. It can be due to various reasons such as a preceding semi-colon or curly brace missing, PHP version mismatch, or improper use of scope resolution operator.

Solution 1: Check Syntax Near ‘class’ Keyword

The most common trigger for this error is a syntax mistake near the ‘class’ keyword. This can happen if you forget a semicolon, brace, or use incorrect punctuation.

  • Step 1: Review the error message and locate the line number mentioned.
  • Step 2: Check the syntax around the ‘class’ keyword for missing semicolons or braces.
  • Step 3: Fix the missing or incorrect syntax and save the file.



// Incorrect syntax that may cause the error
class MyClass {
    public function myFunction() {}
// Missing closing brace and semicolon

// Corrected syntax
class MyClass {
    public function myFunction() {}

No performance discussion is necessary for this solution as it purely concerns correct syntax.

Notes: This is the most straightforward solution and should be the first step. It’s simple and directly resolves the issue if it’s a minor syntax oversight.

Solution 2: Ensure PHP Version Compatibility

If you’re using features such as anonymous classes which are available in PHP 7.x but not in earlier versions, you might encounter this error if your server is running an older version of PHP.

  • Step 1: Check the PHP version you are using with php -v or by creating a phpinfo file.
  • Step 2: Compare the version with the PHP version required for the features you are trying to use.
  • Step 3: Update your PHP version if needed or refactor the code to be compatible with your current version.

No code modification is needed for this solution as the focused action is on checking and updating the PHP server environment.

Notes: This solution may improve performance if you upgrade to a newer PHP version due to the general performance improvements in newer releases. It’s important to make sure the code is compatible with the server’s PHP version to prevent such errors.

Solution 3: Use Proper Namespace Syntax

An error could arise when referring to a class within a namespace incorrectly. If the namespace delimiter (\) is not used properly when accessing classes, it could trigger this error.

  • Step 1: Ensure you’re correctly referencing namespaces with the backslash delimiter.
  • Step 2: If using namespaces, verify that the namespace declaration is at the top of your PHP file, below the opening <?php tag.
  • Step 3: Correct any erroneous namespace syntax in your code.



namespace MyProject;

// Incorrect use
new class MyNamespace::MyClass();

// Correct use
new \MyNamespace\MyClass();

This solution is not associated with performance, but with ensuring that the class is properly loaded and accessible within the designated namespace.

Notes: Proper namespace usage is crucial in a project to avoid class name conflicts and to organize code effectively. Always use the fully qualified namespace when accessing classes in different namespaces.