Fixing PHP Uncaught Error: Access to undeclared static property

Updated: January 10, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

Dealing with errors and exceptions is an integral part of developing robust applications in PHP. One such error that you might encounter while working with PHP classes and objects is the ‘Uncaught Error: Access to undeclared static property’. This error is thrown when your PHP code attempts to access a static property that has not been declared within the class scope. This tutorial will guide you through the process of understanding and resolving this error, ensuring your PHP application runs smoothly.

Understanding Static Properties in PHP

In PHP, properties and methods can be declared as static, which means they can be accessed statically without creating an instance of the class. Static properties and methods are associated with the class itself, not an individual object instance. This is particularly useful for values or functions that are not tied to individual instances but rather to the class as a whole.

class MyClass {
    public static $myStaticProperty = 'static value';

echo MyClass::$myStaticProperty; // Outputs: static value

Common Causes of the Error

This error can occur in several scenarios, such as trying to access a property that:

  • Has not been declared within the class at all.
  • Has been declared, but it is not defined as static.
  • Is protected or private and is being accessed from outside the class scope.
  • Is being accessed incorrectly with the syntax for instance properties or methods.

Steps to Resolve the Error

  1. Check for Declaration: Verify that the static property you are trying to access is declared within the class. If it’s missing, you need to declare it.
  2. Correct Property Definition: If the property is declared but not as static, modify the definition by adding the ‘static’ keyword.
  3. Scope of Access: Ensure that you are accessing the property within the correct scope. If the property is protected or private, you might need to add a public static getter method to the class.
  4. Correct Syntax Usage: Use the correct syntax ‘::’ when accessing static properties. Do not confuse it with the ‘->’ used for instance properties.

Example and Debugging

Here’s a simple example:

class User {
    public static $userCount = 0;

    public function __construct() {

new User();
new User();
echo User::$userCount; // Outputs: 2

If ‘userCount’ were not declared as static, attempting to increment it inside the constructor would result in our dreaded error. Always keep your error_reporting level to E_ALL in your development environment to catch such issues early on.

Moreover, a good IDE that understands PHP syntax and semantics can often highlight these issues before you even run your script.

Advanced Tools and Techniques

For complex projects, static analysis tools like PHPStan or Psalm can analyze your codebase for potential issues without executing the code itself. These tools can detect when you’re trying to access undeclared or incorrectly scoped properties.


Understanding how static properties work in PHP and following good coding practices can help prevent the ‘Uncaught Error: Access to undeclared static property’. Embrace a thorough debugging process, leverage IDE features, and use static analyzers to maintain clean and functional code. By taking the steps mentioned in this guide, you’ll have a robust approach to dealing with static properties and avoiding associated errors.