PostgreSQL Error: ‘FATAL: the database system is starting up’

Updated: January 4, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Encountering the FATAL: the database system is starting up error in PostgreSQL can be frustrating. This error suggests that an attempt to connect to the server was made while the database was still in its startup process. In this guide, we will cover several strategies for resolving this issue.

Detect Server Readiness

Sometimes, it is simply a matter of timing, and ensuring the PostgreSQL server is fully ready to accept connections can resolve the error.

  • Step 1: Check the server status.
  • Step 2: Test a connection once the server status verifies readiness.

In most cases, the best thing to do is just wait a few minutes.

Advantages: This is the simplest solution as it might just be a timing issue.

Limitations: If the database server is indeed stuck in the startup, this method will not resolve the underlying cause.

Check PostgreSQL Logs

Inspect the logs of PostgreSQL for underlying issues that prevent the service from starting properly.

  • Step 1: Locate the PostgreSQL log files.
  • Step 2: Look for error messages or clues.

In this case, understanding log messages is the key.

Advantages: This can identify issues that are not immediately apparent.

Limitations: If you are unfamiliar with the log details, this may be challenging.

Restart PostgreSQL Service

Manually restarting the PostgreSQL service can clear the error if the system was temporarily in an improper state:

  • Step 1: Log into your server.
  • Step 2: Use the PostgreSQL restart command specific to your operating system: sudo systemctl restart postgresql

Advantages: It is a quick fix that can often resolve transient errors.

Limitations: May not fix underlying, persistent configuration problems.

Investigate System Resources

Insufficient system resources can cause PostgreSQL to hang on startup. Checking and managing system resources can alleviate this:

  • Step 1: Use system monitoring tools to check resources.
  • Step 2: Free up resources or upgrade your system if necessary.

Advantages: Addressing system limitations can lead to a more stable environment.

Limitations: If resources are not the issue, this will not solve the problem.

Fix Startup Lock File Issue

Sometimes, PostgreSQL does not clean its lock file up if it doesn’t shut down correctly, causing it to think it is still starting up.

  • Step 1: Locate the PostgreSQL data directory.
  • Step 2: Find and remove the lock files by executing the following command: find /path/to/data/directory -name -delete

Advantages: This can resolve the error if it was due to a stale lock file.

Limitations: This should be done with caution; incorrect handling of system files may result in data loss.

Final Words

Each of these solutions addresses a potential reason for the FATAL: the database system is starting up error in PostgreSQL. It is recommended to proceed with caution and to understand the implications of each action taken. Assess the situation and methodically try the suggested solutions that seem most applicable to your scenario.