Fixing PostgreSQL Error: Server Closed Connection Unexpectedly

Updated: January 4, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


When working on projects that involve databases, encountering errors is a part of the development process. One such error in PostgreSQL is ‘Server closed the connection unexpectedly’. This can be a frustrating experience as it often interrupts the flow of work. This article will guide you through various reasons behind this error, along with multiple ways to address and fix it.

Possible Causes

Below are the culprits that are likely to cause your problem:

  • Network Issues
  • PostgreSQL Server Crash
  • Firewall Blocking Connections
  • Resource Limitations
  • Client Connection Timeout Settings

Solution 1: Network Diagnosis and Repair

Network problems between your application and the PostgreSQL server might lead to this error. Checking the network’s stability and configurations can potentially resolve it.

  1. Check the connection to the PostgreSQL server using a command such as ‘ping’ or ‘traceroute’.
  2. Ensure that there are no firewall settings preventing the connection from being established.
  3. Consult network logs to identify if there are interruptions in the network.
  4. Discuss with your network administrator to resolve any identified issues.

This solution involves network troubleshooting that is performed outside the scope of a PostgreSQL client or server.

Performance discussion: While network issues might temporarily impact performance, tackling them can restore expected performance levels.

Advantages: This solution might not only resolve your PostgreSQL issues but also improve overall network performance.

Solution 2: Inspect PostgreSQL Server Logs

Sometimes the server itself encounters a fatal error which can be understood by inspecting the logs.

  1. Login to the server where PostgreSQL is running.
  2. Navigate to the PostgreSQL log directory, which is commonly found within ‘/var/log/postgresql/’ or as defined in your ‘postgresql.conf’ file.
  3. Open the log file to analyze for any CRITICAL or FATAL errors that coincide with your connection issues.
  4. Follow any leads or error messages you find to take corrective action, which may involve changing configurations or restarting the PostgreSQL service.

Performance discussion: Addressing server errors found in logs should return performance to normal as these issues are dealt with.

Advantages: Allows for a better understanding of the underlying cause. Limitations: Requires server access and possibly root permissions.

Solution 3: Increase Client Connection Timeouts

The client connection timeout settings in PostgreSQL may be too low, causing premature disconnections.

  1. Connect to the PostgreSQL using a DB management tool or psql terminal.
  2. Use the ‘SHOW’ command to view the current settings for ‘statement_timeout’, ‘idle_in_transaction_session_timeout’, and ‘tcp_keepalives_idle’.
  3. Consider adjusting these values with the ‘SET’ command to higher limits suitable for your environment.
  4. For permanent changes, adjust these parameters in the ‘postgresql.conf’ file.

Here’s how we do it in action:

SHOW statement_timeout;
SET statement_timeout TO '5min';
SHOW idle_in_transaction_session_timeout;
SET idle_in_transaction_session_timeout TO '10min';
SHOW tcp_keepalives_idle;
SET tcp_keepalives_idle TO '300';

Performance discussion: Increasing timeouts may lead to holding on to resources for longer, which could be good or bad depending on the situation.

Advantages: May solve intermittent connectivity issues. Limitations: Longer timeouts can lead to inefficient usage of resources and potential decreased performance if not managed correctly.


An unexpected server connection closure in PostgreSQL can often be fixed by addressing underlying issues such as network instability, server configuration, or by adjusting client timeout settings.