How to Fix PostgreSQL Out of Memory Error: Solutions and Best Practices

Updated: January 6, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


When developing applications using PostgreSQL as your database system, encountering an ‘Out of Memory’ error can halt your progress and affect the performance and reliability of your application. This error typically indicates that PostgreSQL has attempted to allocate more memory than is available on the system, which can have various underlying causes. Let’s explore why this error occurs and the strategies to address it effectively.

Solution 1: Optimize Queries

One of the most common reasons for out-of-memory errors in PostgreSQL is inefficient or complex queries consuming excessive memory. Optimizing these queries can reduce memory usage and prevent the error.

  1. Identify inefficient queries using EXPLAIN ANALYZE.
  2. Enhance query efficiency by adding indexes, modifying JOIN operations, or restructuring the query.
  3. Split complex queries into simpler ones if possible.
  4. Limit the result set by using pagination.


-- Example: Adding an index to a commonly queried column
CREATE INDEX idx_column_name ON table_name (column_name);

Although indexes can speed up query execution by allowing faster data retrieval, they also add overhead to the database system during write operations.

Advantages: More efficient queries use less memory and CPU resources, increasing overall performance.

Limitations: Adding too many indexes can slow down write operations and consume more disk space.

Solution 2: Increase Memory Limits

If system resources permit, increasing memory limits in PostgreSQL’s configuration can address out-of-memory issues without altering your queries or infrastructure.

  • Identify and edit the configuration file (postgresql.conf).
  • Adjust memory-related parameters such as work_mem and shared_buffers according to your available system resources.
  • Restart PostgreSQL to apply the new configuration.


-- Sample configuration changes
work_mem = '64MB' -- Increase work memory for complex sort operations
shared_buffers = '1024MB' -- Increase shared memory for better caching

Increasing these limits can significantly improve database performance by reducing the need for on-disk temporary files and providing more memory for caching.

Advantages: Improved performance and less likelihood of out-of-memory errors.

Limitations: Requires careful management to avoid over-allocating memory, which can lead to server-level issues.

Solution 3: Server Hardware Upgrade

For long-term improvement and to support growing data and user load, upgrading the server hardware to provide more memory and processing power is a valid approach.

  • Evaluate current hardware limitations and performance metrics.
  • Plan and budget the upgrade to scale memory and CPU resources according to expected growth.
  • Test the new setup in a separate environment before going live.

Upgrading hardware can provide an immediate and noticeable performance boost, allowing for more memory-intensive operations.

Advantages: Directly addresses the cause of out-of-memory errors by providing additional resources.

Limitations: Hardware upgrades come with higher costs and may have higher maintenance requirements.


This blog post provides an overview of common reasons and solutions for out-of-memory errors in PostgreSQL. By implementing the above strategies and best practices, developers can reduce memory-related issues and ensure that their PostgreSQL databases run efficiently.