Fixing ‘psql’ Command Not Found Error in PostgreSQL Development

Updated: January 6, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


When working with PostgreSQL on your development machine, you may encounter the error message ‘psql: command not found’. This error indicates that the PostgreSQL command-line utility psql is either not installed or not available in the system PATH. Below, we provide several solutions to this common problem, helping you to resume your project development swiftly.

Solution 1: Verify PostgreSQL Installation

Before running psql, ensure PostgreSQL is installed on your system since psql is included with the PostgreSQL installation.

  1. Check if PostgreSQL is installed by running postgres -V or psql -V in the terminal.
  2. If not installed, download and install the appropriate version of PostgreSQL from the official website.

The process is merely a diagnostic step to ensure the presence of the necessary software.

Solution 2: Add PostgreSQL to System PATH

If PostgreSQL is installed but the system can’t find psql, you may need to add its bin directory to your system PATH.

  1. Locate the installation directory of PostgreSQL, often /usr/local/pgsql/bin on Unix systems or C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\\bin on Windows.
  2. Add the bin directory to the system PATH variable.
  3. Restart the terminal and try running psql again.


# Unix systems, add the following line to your .profile or .bashrc
export PATH="/usr/local/pgsql/bin:$PATH"

# Windows, set the PATH in Environment Variables
set PATH=C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\\bin;%PATH%

By adding PostgreSQL to the PATH, terminal sessions can now locate the psql command.

Solution 3: Use Full Path to Run psql

If you prefer not to alter your PATH variable, you can reference psql directly with its full path.

  1. Locate the psql executable in your PostgreSQL bin directory.
  2. Run psql using the full path in the terminal.

Below are the full paths for each system:

# Unix systems

# Windows
"C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\\bin\psql"

This doesn’t require any permanent changes to your system but necessitates remembering and using the full path each time.

Solution 4: Install PostgreSQL Client Only

If you only require the psql utility and not the full PostgreSQL server, consider installing only the client tools.

  1. For Unix-based systems, use a package manager like apt or brew.
  2. For Windows systems, use the graphical installer and select the client tools component.


# Unix systems
sudo apt-get install postgresql-client

Note: The command might vary depending on the Unix distribution and package manager you are using.

By installing only the client, you’re minimizing resource usage. However, this is limited by the absence of a local server, which means you can only interact with remote databases.


The ‘psql: command not found’ error usually arises from either a missing PostgreSQL installation or an environment configuration issue. Fixing it can be as straightforward as checking for the installation, updating the PATH, running psql with the full path, or installing the client-only version. Each solution has its context where it is most appropriate, and choosing the right one depends on the specific development requirements and setup.