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Python aiohttp RuntimeWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback

Last updated: January 02, 2024

The RuntimeWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback is a warning message that often occurs in Python when using the aiohttp library for asynchronous HTTP networking. This warning is intended to prompt the developer to enable the tracemalloc module to trace memory allocations during debugging, especially when you’re investigating memory leaks or other memory-related issues.

Solution 1: Enabling Tracemalloc

Tracemalloc is a built-in Python module that is used for tracing memory block allocations. Enabling it can help to diagnose memory-related issues by providing a traceback of where an object was allocated that was not properly released. Below are the steps to follow:

  1. Start Python with the -X tracemalloc command-line option.
  2. Alternatively, enable tracemalloc at the beginning of the Python script using tracemalloc.start().

Here’s the code:

import tracemalloc
# Your aiohttp code here

Pros: Easy to implement, comes with Python, and does not require additional packages.

Cons: May cause the application to run slower due to the overhead of tracing memory allocations.

Solution 2: Suppressing the Warning

If you are sure that the warning is not relevant to your case and you want to suppress it to clear up your console output, Python’s warnings can be used to ignore specific warnings.

Here’s the process to get the job done:

  1. Import the warnings module at the beginning of your script
  2. Use the warnings.filterwarnings() action to ignore the specific RuntimeWarning emitted by aiohttp.


import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning)
# Your aiohttp code here

Pros: Quick fix that removes unwanted messages from the console output.

Cons: Not recommended for development as it may hide important warnings which could indicate other issues.

Solution 3: Using Debug Mode

Running aiohttp in debug mode can provide more detailed information about the lifecycle of objects and might help in resolving the underlying issue causing the warning.

Set the ‘debug’ flag to `True` in the aiohttp application configuration:

from aiohttp import web
app = web.Application(debug=True)
# Rest of your aiohttp application code

Pros: Provides additional debugging information that can help in tracing the issue.

Cons: Increases the resource usage and should not be used in production environments.

Understanding the Root Cause

The RuntimeWarning: Enable tracemalloc is triggered in aiohttp for several reasons, including but not limited to:

  • Unreleased memory allocations for connectors, sessions, or clients.
  • Callbacks that keep references to large objects.
  • Leaked Response objects that were not consumed or explicitly released.
  • Incorrect handling of the client side of the HTTP transactions.

This warning is not just about telling you that there is a potential memory leak, but it also gives you a clue that some objects are not being handled correctly. In production systems where high availability and efficiency are crucial, such memory leaks can lead to degraded performance or even crashes due to memory exhaustion. Therefore, it is crucial to use the provided solutions not only to suppress the warnings but to understand and fix the underlying issues.

Next Article: Python Requests module: Print response status code and headers

Previous Article: Python Requests module: How to crawl raw HTML from a URL

Series: Python: Network & JSON tutorials


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