Fixing Python RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling an object (4 solutions)

Updated: January 22, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

The Problem

In Python, a RecursionError occurs when a function calls itself too many times without a base case to end the recursion sequence. The error message ‘maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling an object’ explicitly indicates that the number of nested function calls has surpassed Python’s recursion limit. Here are common reasons and solutions to this problem:


Solution 1: Review the Base Case

A base case stops the recursion. Without it or if it’s incorrectly implemented, you could easily hit the recursion limit.

  • Check if your recursive function has a base case.
  • Make sure the base case is reachable and properly stops the recursion.
  • Consider edge cases that might prevent the base case from being met.
def recursive_function(n):
    if n == 0: # Base case


Notes: This is the most essential check. Reviewing may reveal logical errors within the function. However, if implemented incorrectly, it can further mask the real issue.

Solution 2: Increase Recursion Depth

Python’s default recursion limit is conservative. You can increase this limit, although it should be done sparingly.

  • Import the sys module.
  • Use sys.setrecursionlimit() to increase the limit.
  • Choose a sensible new limit as too high a value can cause a stack overflow.
import sys

sys.setrecursionlimit(2000) # Example new limit

def recursive_function(n):
    # recursive function logic

Notes: Increasing the recursion depth is a quick fix but not always a solution. It may lead to memory overflow if the actual problem is not addressed, such as an infinite recursion due to logical error.

Solution 3: Optimize Recursion via Tail-Call Optimization

Simplify a recursive function’s end operation or convert it into iterative style to reduce the call stack depth.

  • Restructure your code to prepare for tail-call optimization (TCO).
  • Use a decorator or a loop to simulate TCO which isn’t natively supported by Python.
def tail_recursion_optimized(f):
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        while True:
            result = f(*args, **kwargs)
            if isinstance(result, tuple):
                args, kwargs = result
                return result
    return wrapper

def recursive_function(n, accumulator=1):
    if n == 0:
        return accumulator
    return (n-1, accumulator * n)


Notes: Replicating TCO can reduce memory footprint and avoid RecursionError. Implementing it requires a good understanding of the recursion pattern and may result in code complexity.

Solution 4: Convert Recursion to Iteration

Every recursive algorithm can be implemented iteratively, which may improve performance and prevent stack overflows.

  • Analyze your recursive algorithm.
  • Write an equivalent iterative version using loops.
def iterative_function(n):
    result = 1
    for i in range(1, n+1):
        result *= i
    return result


Notes: Iteration can be more efficient in terms of memory and performance. However, this could make code less readable, especially for algorithms that are naturally recursive like Tree traversals.