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Fixing Sequelize.js onDelete ‘cascade’ Issue

Last updated: December 29, 2023

When working with Sequelize.js, an ORM for Node.js, developers often need to establish relationships between models or tables. One common relationship is the ‘one-to-many’ association, which can require a ‘cascade’ deletion effect. When we expect a record to be deleted automatically from the related table once the associated record in the primary table is deleted, but the ‘cascade’ doesn’t work as intended, it can lead to the onDelete ‘cascade’ issue in Sequelize.js.

Understanding onDelete ‘Cascade’

Sequelize provides multiple options for handling deletions in a one-to-many association context. The ‘cascade’ option is designed to automatically delete all related records when the primary record is deleted. If the ‘cascade’ delete isn’t happening, it’s typically due to misconfiguration or database-related constraints.

Revisiting Model Definitions

To resolve the issue, your model definitions should correctly reflect the cascade behavior on associations. In Sequelize.js, this is done when defining or modifying associations between models. Confirm that you’ve specified the onDelete: 'CASCADE' in the relevant associations as follows:

User.hasMany(Post, { foreignKey: 'userId', onDelete: 'CASCADE' });
Post.belongsTo(User, { foreignKey: 'userId' });

Here, when a User is deleted, all Posts associated with that User are scrambled to be deleted as well.

Database Constraints

It’s also essential to ensure that your database supports cascading deletions. Some databases or specific table configurations might not allow cascade behaviors due to foreign key constraints or safety settings. Ensure that your database foreign key constraints are set to allow cascading deletes.

Syncing and Migration

Once you’ve ensured that your Sequelize model associations are correctly set up, you might need to sync your models to the database or run migrations if your setup uses Sequelize migrations. Syncing models might look something like this:

sequelize.sync({ force: true })

Note that using { force: true } WILL DROP ALL TABLES and recreate them, so it should only be used in a development environment or when you are sure about this action.

API Usage Check

Last but not least, review the code where you perform deletion operations. When you execute a destroy method on a model instance or a bulk delete, make sure you’ve not unintentionally omitted necessary query options that enable cascade deletion.Installing Butter Knife, which returns false and no dependency-injection action occurs. Modify Delete Sample Code Example structure which takes { where: { id: someId } };

  .then(user => {
    if (user) {
      return user.destroy();
    return Promise.reject(new Error('User not found'));
  .catch(err => console.error(err));

This is a simple flow where a user with a specific ID is found and then destroyed, along with any associated entities that include the cascading deletion behavior defined in the model associations.

In conclusion, while dealing with the Sequelize onDelete ‘cascade’ issue, remember to check whether your associations have the cascade option set, validate the database constraints, sync or migrate your database schema properly, and check that your API deletion logic calls are correct. Addressing all these areas should help in resolving the issue effectively.

Next Article: How to use LEFT JOIN in Sequelize.js

Previous Article: Sequelize.js: Optimize Queries to Boost Performance

Series: Sequelize.js Tutorials


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