Fixing SQLalchemy AttributeError: ‘str’ Object Has No Attribute ‘_sa_instance_state’

Updated: January 3, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


While working with SQLalchemy, encountering attribute errors such as AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute '_sa_instance_state' can be quite common. This error indicates a misuse of the ORM’s features, where an operation expected an instance of a mapped class but received a plain string instead. Understanding the error is pivotal to resolving it. Let’s explore why this error occurs and how to fix it.

Reasons for the Error

This error generally occurs when SQLalchemy expects an object related to the mapped classes but instead receives a string or an incompatible type. Typical scenarios include:

  • Assigning a string to a relationship field instead of an object.
  • Using a string where a model instance is required for operations like adding to a session.

Solution 1: Correct Relationship Assignment

Verify that you are assigning the proper object to a relationship field rather than a string or another incorrect type:

  • Review your model relationships.
  • Ensure you’re passing objects of the correct type.
  • Query the database to acquire instances to assign to relationships if necessary.

Code Example:

from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker

Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
session = Session()

# Assuming we're working with models User and Address.
new_user = User(name='John Doe')
address = "123, Main Street"  # Incorrect, address should not be a string
# The correct way: correct_address = Address(street="123, Main Street")


  • Directly addresses the type mismatch.
  • Prevents future misunderstandings of the ORM usage.

Solution 2: Use Proper Session Add

Make sure to add instances of mapped classes to the SQLalchemy session before performing database operations:

  1. Check which objects you are adding to the SQLalchemy session.
  2. Instantiate objects from the declarative base classes.
  3. Add the newly instantiated objects to the session before committing.

Code Example:

from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker  # Assuming 'engine' is already defined and mapped to the DB

Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
session = Session()
a_user = 'John Doe'  # Incorrect use, a string instead of a User instance
# The correct way: user = User(name='John Doe')
session.add(user)  # Add the object, not a string

Advantages: Ensures that the ORM operates on actual instance states.

Limitations: May not apply if the error is caused by something other than sessions.


Understanding the reasons behind the 'str' object has no attribute '_sa_instance_state' error facilitates effective debugging and reinforces correct SQLalchemy ORM practices. In general, developers should always check variable types and ORM object states when dealing with sessions and relationships in SQLalchemy. Following the solutions provided will help maintain the integrity of ORM interactions and fix the aforementioned error.