Fixing SQLAlchemy Error: Unexpected Results with `and` and `or`

Updated: January 3, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


When you encounter unexpected results while using and and or operators in SQLAlchemy, it could be due to the precedence of these operators or misuse of chained conditions. If your queries do not return the expected results, this guide offers solutions to avoid common pitfalls and ensure that you construct your logical expressions correctly using SQLAlchemy’s operators and functions.

Solution 1: Use and_(), or_() functions

SQLAlchemy provides and_(), or_(), and not_() functions to explicitly build logical AND, OR, and NOT expressions. These functions ensure the correct composition and precedence of conditions:

  • Identify the portion of the query causing unexpected results.
  • Replace Python’s and, or, with SQLAlchemy’s and_(), or_() functions.
  • Encapsulate each condition to be combined with logical operators inside these functions.


from sqlalchemy import and_, or_

# Assuming my_table has columns 'a' and 'b'
query = session.query(my_table)\
    .filter(and_(my_table.c.a == 'value1',
               or_(my_table.c.b == 'value2',
                   my_table.c.b == 'value3')))

Advantages: Reduces ambiguity and forces precedence. More readable for complex queries.

Limitations: Might be verbose for simple expressions.

Solution 2: Chain filter() calls

SQLAlchemy’s filter() calls can be chained to imply the AND operation, which is more Pythonic and straightforward for AND conditions:

  • Identify the AND conditions within your query.
  • Chain multiple filter() calls for each condition.


# Assuming my_table has columns 'a' and 'b'
query = session.query(my_table)\
    .filter(my_table.c.a == 'value1')\
    .filter(my_table.c.b == 'value2')

Advantages: Cleaner syntax for AND operations, and each condition is explicitly isolated.

Limitations: Only suitable for ANDed conditions. Misleading if used for ORed conditions.

Solution 3: Use proper parentheses

Parenthesizing your logical conditions correctly is crucial for defining the precedence of operations:

  • Review the logical operators in your query.
  • Group conditions with parentheses to set explicit precedence.
  • Rewrite the filter condition applying proper grouping.


# Assuming my_table has columns 'a' and 'b'
query = session.query(my_table)\
    .filter((my_table.c.a == 'value1') & ((my_table.c.b == 'value2') | (my_table.c.b == 'value3')))

Advantages: Ensures the correct evaluation order. It corresponds closely to the raw SQL syntax.

Limitations: Confusing if not familiar with bitwise operators as SQLAlchemy logical operators.

Final Words

Understanding the use of and_(), or_(), and parentheses in SQLAlchemy is key to crafting queries that run correctly. Aim for clear and readable query structures to prevent logic errors and ensure maintainability. By following these guidelines and practices, SQLAlchemy can become a more powerful tool in managing your database operations. Remember to test each modification to ensure it is producing the expected results.