Fixing SQLAlchemy NoSuchModuleError for Postgres

Updated: January 3, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

Understanding the NoSuchModuleError in SQLAlchemy

When working with SQLAlchemy, encountering a NoSuchModuleError specifically stating “Can’t load plugin: sqlalchemy.dialects:postgres” suggests that the library is trying to locate a dialect for PostgreSQL that does not exist or is not installed. Dialects in SQLAlchemy are responsible for managing database-specific behavior. For PostgreSQL, the correct dialect is postgresql and not postgres. The error you are experiencing is often due to a typo or misconfiguration in your database URI.

Solution 1: Correct Database URI Scheme

The error could arise from using an incorrect URI scheme. Ensure you are utilizing ‘postgresql’ instead of ‘postgres’ in your database URI:

  • Inspect your database URI.
  • Replace ‘postgres’ with ‘postgresql’ in the URI scheme.
  • Re-run your application.

Here’s an example of the correct URI format:

# Correct URI format
SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'postgresql://username:password@hostname/database_name'

Advantages: This is a straightforward fix that corrects a common typo.

Limitations: If the error was due to a different cause, this solution would not resolve it.

Solution 2: Install PostgreSQL Driver

If the required PostgreSQL driver is not installed, installing it could resolve the issue. The most common driver for PostgreSQL in conjunction with SQLAlchemy is ‘psycopg2’:

  • Install ‘psycopg2’ using pip.
  • Ensure the database URI uses ‘postgresql’.
  • Re-run your application.


# Install psycopg2 driver
pip install psycopg2

# Alternatively, for binary version which may avoid potential build issues
pip install psycopg2-binary

Advantages: Installing the driver can typically resolve compatibility issues with PostgreSQL.

Limitations: If psycopg2 is already installed, this remedy will not fix the problem. Drivers need to be maintained and updated, which can add to the complexity of your environment.

Solution 3: Update SQLAlchemy Version

In some cases, an older version of SQLAlchemy may not support certain features or drivers. Updating SQLAlchemy to the latest version could resolve this:

  • Update SQLAlchemy using pip.
  • Confirm the database URI is correct.
  • Re-run your application.


# Update SQLAlchemy
pip install --upgrade sqlalchemy

Advantages: Ensures compatibility with the latest features and fixes of the SQLAlchemy library.

Limitations: In rare cases, updating the library could lead to incompatibility with other dependencies in your project.


In conclusion, the NoSuchModuleError: Can't load plugin: sqlalchemy.dialects:postgres can often be resolved by ensuring correct usage of the dialect name in the database URI, installing the appropriate driver, or updating the SQLAlchemy library. By following the outlined solutions, developers can overcome this obstacle and successfully connect SQLAlchemy to the PostgreSQL database.