Geospatial Indexes in MongoDB: How to Speed Up Geospatial Queries

Updated: February 6, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

Geospatial data is essential in various applications, from social media tagging locations to advanced geographic information systems (GIS). MongoDB, as a flexible NoSQL database, offers robust support for geospatial data and queries. This tutorial will dive into how to create and use geospatial indexes to speed up those queries in MongoDB, providing a seamless experience for handling geolocation data.

Understanding Geospatial Data in MongoDB

MongoDB supports two main types of geospatial indexes: 2d for legacy coordinate pairs and 2dsphere for geospatial queries on a spherical surface, which is ideal for most geolocation services dealing with Earth’s surface. Understanding when and how to use these indexes is key to enhancing the performance of your geospatial queries.

Before diving into indexes, it’s crucial to understand the acceptable formats for geospatial data in MongoDB:

  • GeoJSON format: An open standard format designed for representing simple geographical features, along with their non-spatial attributes. This format is recommended for use with the 2dsphere index.
  • Legacy coordinate pairs: A simple list of two numbers. Suitable for quick and straightforward geospatial queries using the 2d index.

Creating Geospatial Indexes

Let’s start by creating a 2dsphere index, ideal for queries involving complex geospatial relationships, including distances and inclusion within specified areas. Assuming you have a collection named places with documents containing a location field in GeoJSON format:

db.places.createIndex({ location: "2dsphere" })

For a 2d index, suitable for simple proximity queries on flat surfaces:

db.places.createIndex({ location: "2d" })

Querying Data with Geospatial Indexes

Once you have your indexes in place, it’s time to use them. The $geoNear, $geoWithin, and $nearSphere operators are particularly useful for geospatial queries.

  • $geoNear allows you to find documents near a specific point, ideal for “Find Near Me” type of queries.
  • $geoWithin helps find documents within a specific area, like within a polygon.
  • $nearSphere is used for finding points in a specified distance from a center point on a spherical surface.

Example of a $geoNear query:

    $geoNear: {
      near: { type: "Point", coordinates: [ -73.99279 , 40.719296 ] },
      distanceField: "dist.calculated",
      maxDistance: 2000,
      includeLocs: "dist.location",
      spherical: true

And a $geoWithin query:

  location: {
    $geoWithin: {
      $geometry: {
        type: "Polygon",
        coordinates: [[[ -73.9871, 40.719296 ], [ -73.9661, 40.715296 ], [ -73.9661, 40.729296 ], [ -73.9871, 40.729296 ], [ -73.9871, 40.719296 ]]]

Optimization Tips

  • Regularly monitor the performance of your geospatial queries and indexes with MongoDB’s explain() function.
  • Keep your geospatial data up to date and ensure your queries are as efficient as possible by reconsidering the necessity of every field you’re including in your indexes.
  • Remember that each additional index you create can impact write performance, so balance is key. Use geospatial indexes strictly where they’re beneficial.


Geospatial data management and querying in MongoDB are powerful tools for applications requiring efficient handling of geographical information. By understanding and properly utilizing geospatial indexes like 2d and 2dsphere, developers can significantly enhance the performance of their MongoDB queries. These techniques are not just about speed but also about providing richer, more meaningful data interactions for end-users. Dive into MongoDB’s robust features and optimize your geospatial data handling to deliver outstanding, efficient applications.