Git Checkout Error: ‘pathspec did not match any file(s) known to git’ (6 solutions)

Updated: January 27, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

The Problem

Encountering errors while working with Git can be daunting, but understanding common issues can simplify the troubleshooting process. One frequent error occurs when attempting to switch branches using git checkout, resulting in a message: ‘pathspec did not match any file(s) known to git’. This error generally indicates that Git cannot find the file or branch name specified in the command. Let’s delve into various solutions to resolve this issue.

Let’s Fix It

Solution 1: Correct Branch Name

This error might be caused by simply using an incorrect branch name. Ensure you are trying to checkout a branch that exists and that its name is typed correctly.

  • List all branches to confirm the existence of the branch you want to switch to.
  • Use the correct branch name to switch branches successfully.
$ git branch
* master
3: feature-xyz
$ git checkout feature-xyz
Switched to branch 'feature-xyz'

Note: This is the most straightforward solution and often the first step in troubleshooting. However, if the branch name isn’t the issue, further investigation is required.

Solution 2: Update Local Branch List

If the branch exists on the remote but is not listed locally, you might need to update your local branch list.

  • Fetch the list of all remote branches.
  • Checkout the branch using the updated list of branches.
$ git fetch
$ git checkout feature-xyz
Switched to a new branch 'feature-xyz'

Note: This step ensures that your local repository is aware of all remote branches. However, if the branch is not on the remote either, the error will persist.

Solution 3: Check for Typos in Filenames

Sometimes, you might be trying to checkout a file instead of a branch and have made a typo in the filename.

  • Use git status to see untracked/staged files if you try to check out a file.
  • Correct any typos in the filename and perform the checkout command again.
$ git status
$ git checkout -- correct-filename.txt

Note: Remember that using git checkout for files will discard changes and revert to the last commit.

Solution 4: Case Sensitivity in Branch Names

On case-sensitive systems, mistyping upper-case and lower-case letters in the branch name can cause this error.

  • Ensure that the case of the branch name matches exactly with the remote branch.
  • Use the corrected case-sensitive branch name in your checkout command.
$ git checkout Feature-XYZ
error: pathspec 'Feature-XYZ' did not match any file(s) known to git.
$ git checkout feature-xyz
Switched to branch 'feature-xyz'

Note: Inconsistent use of letter case in branch names can result in this error and is something to watch for, especially when collaborating across different operating systems.

Solution 5: Check for Submodule Issues

If the pathspec error is referring to a file within a submodule, you might have forgotten to initialize your submodules.

  • Initialize and update your Git submodules accordingly.
  • Checkout the submodule files after initialization.
$ git submodule update --init
$ git checkout path/to/submodule/file

Note: Submodule path issues can throw off users unfamiliar with submodules in Git. Always ensure submodules are initialized and updated when working on projects containing them.

Solution 6: Reserved Filenames on Windows

On Windows, certain filenames are reserved and cannot be created, which could cause this error if you’re trying to checkout a branch with a reserved name.

  • Check for reserved filenames on Windows and rename your branch if necessary.
  • Use a valid branch naming convention to avoid conflicts with the Windows filesystem.</
$ git branch -m old-branch new-branch
$ git checkout new-branch
Switched to branch 'new-branch'

Note: Revisit branch naming conventions and avoid using reserved filenames to circumvent this issue on Windows.


The ‘pathspec did not match any file(s) known to git’ error can stem from multiple issues ranging from typos, outdated local repsository information, case sensitivity, or conflicts with submodules and Windows filesystem. Methodically applying the above solutions will help you identify and correct the problem, ensuring a smooth Git workflow.