Git fatal error: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

Updated: January 28, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

The Problem

If you’ve used Git for a period of time, you may have encountered an error that reads ‘fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly’. This can be a frustrating issue, but fortunately, there are several solutions to overcome it. In this tutorial, we’ll navigate through the most common causes of this Git error and detail step-by-step solutions to get you back on track with your version control work.

Common Causes

Understanding the root cause of this error is helpful in determining the best solution. The error usually arises due to:

  • Network issues or timeouts during git operations.
  • Size limits on the remote repository or local Git client configurations.
  • Required updates for the Git client.

Solution 1: Increase Git Buffer Size

If the error is due to large files or many changes pushed to the repository, increasing the Git buffer size may resolve the issue.

  1. Open your terminal or command prompt.
  2. Run the command to increase the buffer size: git config --global http.postBuffer 524288000.

Notes: This increases the buffer size to 500MB, which should be sufficient for most repositories. However, be cautious when using this on networks with data transfer limits.

Solution 2: Use SSH Instead of HTTPS

Sometimes, the issue is with the HTTPS connection itself. Switching to SSH can offer a more stable and secure connection, potentially solving the problem.

  1. Check if SSH keys are set up on your machine and added to your Git server (like GitHub or BitBucket).
  2. Run git remote set-url origin [email protected]:user/repo.git to switch the repo URL to SSH.

Notes: SSH is more secure but setting up keys can be complex for newcomers. Also, some corporate firewalls might block SSH connections.

Solution 3: Check Network Connection

A weak or unstable network could be the cause so it’s worth checking your connectivity.

  1. Test your internet connection and try to ping the Git server to see if the connection is stable.
  2. Use networking tools or contact your IT department if under a company network to diagnose connectivity issues.

Notes: This is sometimes out of one’s control, particularly on managed company networks, and you might need to seek assistance from IT support.

Solution 4: Reduce Payload Size

If you’re pushing a lot of commits or large files all at once, it’s possible the Git server is dropping the connection due to too much data.

  1. Commit and push smaller sets of changes rather than one large push.
  2. If pushing large files, consider using Git LFS (Large File Storage).

To use Git LFS:

git lfs install
git lfs track "*.png"
git add .gitattributes

Result: Large files will now be stored with Git LFS, reducing the size of pushes.

Notes: This approach requires all contributors to use Git LFS which might introduce complications, especially for collaborators unfamiliar with it.

Solution 5: Update Git Client

An outdated Git client may have bugs or lack optimizations that are resolved in newer versions.

  1. Visit the official Git website to download the latest version, or use a package manager to update it.
  2. Check the Git version after updating to make sure the installation was successful using git --version.

Notes: Always keep your software updated as it includes not just feature updates but security patches as well.


The aforementioned solutions tackle most scenarios where the ‘fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly’ error appears in Git. By implementing them, you can identify the reason behind the failure and resolve it accordingly. With this guide in hand, developers can ensure constant productivity even when faced with Git issues that might otherwise impede progress.