Git: How to remove a file from the staging area

Updated: January 27, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Git is a versatile Distributed Version Control System that has become the de-facto standard for source code management. An essential aspect of Git is staging changes before making a commit. However, it’s common for developers to accidentally stage files they don’t intend to commit. This tutorial delves into the steps necessary to unstage files from the staging area in Git, providing examples ranging from basic to advanced use cases.

Basic Usage of ‘git reset’

The primary command to unstage files in Git is ‘git reset’. When you add a file to the staging area using ‘git add’, it is prepared to be included in your next commit. If you need to revert this operation and remove the file from the staging area, you can do so using the ‘git reset’ command followed by the filename.

git add <file-to-stage>
git reset <file-to-unstage>

If the file ‘example.txt’ was added to the staging area, you could unstage it using the following command:

git add example.txt
git reset example.txt


Unstaged changes after reset:
M	extnbspexample.txt

‘git reset’ With Different Options

‘git reset’ comes with different flags to unstage files. The flags ‘soft’, ‘mixed’, and ‘hard’ allow for varied degrees of reset.

  • Soft: Does not touch the staging area or the working directory, but resets the head to a previous commit.
  • Mixed (default): Resets the index but not the working directory. Changes are left in the working directory as modified but not staged.
  • Hard: Resets the index and working directory. Any changes to tracked files in the working directory are discarded.

To unstage all files using the default mixed option:

git reset

Unstaging specific files with ‘mixed’:

git reset HEAD <file-to-unstage>

By specifying the HEAD pointer, you’re telling Git to unstage the files to the last commit snapshot.

Unstaging all Changes

In cases where you want to unstage multiple files at once, you can use ‘git reset’ without specifying a file name:

git reset

This command will unstage all files that you’ve added with ‘git add’.

Working with Multiple Files and Patterns

If you only want to unstage files that match a pattern, you can use the ‘*’ wildcard with ‘git reset’ as follows:

git reset *.txt

This would unstage all files with the .txt extension.

You can also unstage a list of files in a single command:

git reset file1.txt file2.js

Dealing with ‘git rm’

There’s another scenario where ‘git rm’ is used instead of ‘git add’. The ‘git rm’ command stages the removal of the file from the repository. To unstage the removal:

git rm --cached <file>

‘–cached’ option stages the file’s deletion, leaving the file in the working directory.

Advanced Usage: Interactive Unstaging

For a more controlled unstaging experience, Git offers the interactive mode through ‘git reset –interactive’ or ‘git reset -i’. These commands open an interactive shell session where you can choose which files and even which hunks within those files to unstage.

git reset -i HEAD~1

This would open an editor with the list of files that were affected between the current HEAD and the previous commit. You can then select which files or segments of files to unstage.


Understanding how to unstage files is a key part of mastering Git. Whether it’s cleaning up your staging area or refining the changes you want to commit, the ‘git reset’ command offers you the control you need. With the basics and advanced techniques covered in this tutorial, you can confidently manage your staging area in a more efficient manner.