The ‘git init’ command: How to create a new Git repository

Updated: January 27, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


When embarking on a new software development project, version control is essential. Git, a distributed version control system, offers a suite of powerful commands to manage your source code’s history. In this tutorial, we will explore the ‘git init’ command, an initial step for creating a new Git repository that serves as the backbone of your project’s version control.

What are Git Repositories?

A Git repository is essentially a directory where all of your project’s files and each file’s revision history are stored. It enables multiple developers to work on a single project without overwriting each other’s work.

Getting Started with git init

The ‘git init’ command is used to create a new, empty Git repository or reinitialize an existing one. It’s the first command you run after creating a new directory for your project, or when you want to start version-controlling existing files.

$ mkdir my_project
$ cd my_project
$ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /path/to/my_project/.git/

This command creates a hidden directory within the project called .git that houses all the necessary repository files — a repository skeleton. It’s worth noting that the project directory itself isn’t tracked until you add files and commit them to the repository.

Adding Files to the Repository

$ touch
$ git add
$ git commit -m 'Initial commit with README'

After initializing your Git repository, you must add project files to it. The ‘git add’ command stages files for commit. Then, the ‘git commit’ command actually commits the staged changes, which records a snapshot of the project in your history.

Cloning an Existing Repository

If you’re starting work on an existing project, you can create a local copy of its repository by using ‘git clone’. This command copies an entire existing Git repository, including all of its history and branches.

$ git clone

The ‘git clone’ command automatically sets up your local master branch to track the remote master branch from the repository you cloned. This means that you can pull and push changes to and from the remote repository with ease.

git init in a Cloned Repository

If you’ve cloned a repository, you might wonder if you need to run ‘git init’. Typically, the answer is no, because the clone includes the entire Git repository setup. However, should you need to reset the repository or create a new Git setup, you can use ‘git init’ to reinitialize the .git directory.

$ cd cloned_repository
$ git init
Reinitialized existing Git repository in /path/to/cloned_repository/.git/

Customizing Your Repository with git init

There are various ways to customize the initialization of your repository. You can use ‘git init’ with different options to alter how your repository is set up initially.

Using a Different Directory Name

You’re not limited to initializing a repository within the current directory. You can specify a name for a new directory where to initialize the repository:

$ git init new_project
Initialized empty Git repository in /path/to/new_project/.git/

Template Directory

Git allows you to use a custom template directory containing essential non-default files when initializing a new repository. The ‘–template=’ option specifies the directory from which templates will be used:

$ git init --template=/path/to/template-directory

It’s important to ensure that your template directory structure resembles that of a typical .git directory, as invalid template structures can cause initialization to fail.

Bare Repository

In some cases, especially when you’re setting up a remote repository on a server, you’ll want to create a bare repository. A bare repository comprises only the .git contents with no working directory for checking out files. Use the ‘–bare’ option to initialize a bare repository:

$ git init --bare my_project.git

A bare repository is commonly used as a central hub in a collaborative workflow model where no actual file editing takes place.

Advancing with git init

As you become more familiar with Git, the ‘git init’ command will be part of more advanced operations, including altering the initial branch name with ‘–initial-branch=’ or setting up a shared repository for multiple users with ‘–shared=[permissions]’.

Initial Branch Name

$ git init --initial-branch=main

Shared Repositories

$ git init --shared=group
$ git init --shared=0775

In a shared repository, multiple users can interact and contribute to the same repository. Setting the permissions appropriately is crucial to maintain a secure and orderly workflow.

Best Practices

1. Ensure you download and install the latest version of Git from the official Git website.
2. Always start a new project with ‘git init’, it helps to start version controlling your project right from the beginning.
3. Use a .gitignore file to avoid committing unnecessary files to your repository.


After initializing your repository and before making any commits, create a .gitignore file to prevent specific files from being tracked by Git:

$ touch .gitignore
# add rules in .gitignore to exclude files
$ git add .gitignore
$ git commit -m 'Added .gitignore file'


In conclusion, the ‘git init’ command is an essential tool for starting a new project with Git or transforming an existing directory into a Git repository. Once you’ve mastered it, you’ll find Git to be a powerful ally in your development workflow, facilitating collaboration and preserving your project’s history.