Git: Pull and Merge Changes from a Remote Repository

Updated: January 27, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Working with Git involves a series of essential commands that help developers integrate changes from various sources. Among the core functionalities is the ability to pull and merge changes from remote repositories. This tutorial covers the basic to advanced concepts of pulling and merging changes in Git, complete with code examples and expected outputs.

Basic Git Pull

Starting with the basics, the git pull command is a shortcut for fetching and then automatically merging that content into your current branch:

git pull origin master

The above command will fetch changes from the master branch of the remote named ‘origin’ and merge them into your current branch. If successful, you will see the following output:

Updating a1b2c3d..e4f5g6h
 file.txt | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

It’s important to note that you need to commit your local changes before a pull if you’ve modified any files that have updates on the remote to avoid conflicts.

Understanding Merging

When Git pulls changes from a remote, it tries to merge them into your current branch. There are different types of merges that Git may perform, such as ‘fast-forward’ and ‘three-way merges’:

git merge feature-branch

If the branches have diverged, Git will perform a three-way merge. In a successful merge, you might see:

Auto-merging file.txt
Merge made by the 'recursive' strategy.
 file.txt | 6 +++++-
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

If a merge conflict occurs, Git will alert you to manually resolve the conflicting changes.

Fetching vs. Pulling

Prior to merging, you might want to review changes. This is where git fetch comes in:

git fetch origin master

This command retrieves updates from the remote ‘origin’ master branch, but does not merge them. You can examine the updates by comparing your local branch with the fetched remote branch:

git diff master origin/master

Once you are ready to merge the changes, you manually perform the merge:

git merge origin/master

Manually merging allows for a two-step process where you can first review code before incorporating it into your branch.

Advanced Git Pull Techniques

For a more controlled update, you can combine fetching changes and using git rebase with:

git pull --rebase origin master

This rewrites your local branch commits on top of the fetched commits from the remote. Rebasing is a neat way to maintain a linear project history. If there are conflicts, you’ll need to resolve them during the rebase process.

Another advanced technique to change the default merge strategy:

git pull --no-ff origin master

Using --no-ff (no fast-forward) will force Git to create a new commit even if a fast-forward merge is possible, which may be useful to group certain feature merges visually within your history.

Handling Merge Conflicts

Merge conflicts can occur when the same lines of code are altered in different ways on separate branches. Dealing with them effectively is a vital part of using Git. Start by identifying the conflict with:

git status

This will show which files are in conflict. Within those files, Git will mark the contentious areas, and you can modify the files manually to resolve the conflict. Then, mark the conflict as resolved:

git add <file>
git commit -m "Resolved merge conflict."

Remember to communicate with your team when resolving conflicts to ensure that the correct changes are being merged.

Best Practices for Pulling and Merging

To minimize merge conflicts and integrate changes smoothly:

  • Pull often to keep your branch up-to-date with the remote.
  • Have clear communication with your team on changes being made.
  • Commit chunks of work logically and clearly.
  • Consider using Git pull request workflows and code reviews.
  • Use git stash to save uncommitted changes temporarily if a pull is necessary.


In summary, pulling and merging changes from a remote repository are routine yet critical operations in Git. By understanding the commands and methods described, you enhance your workflow and reduce the risk of merge conflicts.