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Handle License Requests Through Encrypted Media Extensions in JavaScript

Last updated: December 12, 2024

Encrypted Media Extensions (EME) provide a standardized way for browsers to handle encrypted media content. This allows developers to manage the decryption process through JavaScript without needing plugins like Flash. EME is particularly useful for implementing digital rights management (DRM) systems where handling license requests is a crucial process. In this article, we will explore how to handle license requests through Encrypted Media Extensions (EME) using JavaScript.

Overview of Encrypted Media Extensions

EME is part of the Web Media API, allowing JavaScript to handle playback of DRM-protected content. It provides a mechanism for web browsers to support encrypted media content without exposing the encryption keys directly to the browser. Different levels of security and capabilities are managed by Content Decryption Modules (CDMs).

Key Components of EME

  • MediaKeySystemAccess: This object provides the communication between the client application and the license server.
  • MediaKeys: Represents the set of keys that decrypt the media content.
  • MediaKeySession: Handles the interactions with the license server including sending and receiving license messages.

Setting Up EME in JavaScript

Let’s start by checking if EME is supported and setting up a media element for possible DRM-protected playback.

if (window.navigator.requestMediaKeySystemAccess) {
  const videoElement = document.createElement('video');

  const configs = [{
    initDataTypes: ['webm'],
    videoCapabilities: [{ contentType: 'video/webm; codecs="vp8"' }]

  navigator.requestMediaKeySystemAccess('org.w3.clearkey', configs)
    .then(function(keySystemAccess) {
      return keySystemAccess.createMediaKeys();
    .then(function(createdMediaKeys) {
      return videoElement.setMediaKeys(createdMediaKeys);
    .catch(function(error) {
      console.error('Failed to initialize media keys', error);
} else {
  console.log('EME is not supported in this browser.');

Handling License Requests

Once you set up the basic environment and configured your MediaKeys, you'll need to prepare for handling license requests. The MediaKeySession object is used for this purpose. Below is a basic example.

function createSession(mediaKeys, initData) {
  const session = mediaKeys.createSession();

  session.addEventListener('message', function(event) {
    // Handle the license message here
    fetchLicense(event.message).then(function(license) {
    }).catch(function(error) {
      console.log('Update failed', error);

  session.generateRequest('webm', initData).catch(function(error) {
    console.log('Failed to generate a request', error);

function fetchLicense(messageBuffer) {
  // Send the messageBuffer to the license server
  return fetch('https://your.license.server/path', {
    method: 'POST',
    body: messageBuffer
  }).then(function(response) {
    return response.arrayBuffer();

In this example, when a message is received on the session, it is sent to a hypothetical license server with a fetch
('https://your.license.server/path'). The server's response is expected in arrayBuffer format, which is used to update the session with a valid license.

Troubleshooting and Final Thoughts

Handling license requests involves interactions with a key server, and issues may arise due to various factors such as network availability or server errors. Always include error handling throughout your promise chain as demonstrated above. Logging potential issues helps during development and debugging.

Remember, EME is designed to keep the decryption secure and opaque to the browser, ensuring that media streams cannot be intercepted and decrypted easily. When implementing EME, ensure that your code follows best practices for security and privacy.

By leveraging the capabilities of Encrypted Media Extensions, developers can offer a smooth and secure experience for media playback, aligning with the evolving web standards for encrypted content delivery on the web.

Next Article: Read Local Files Using the File API in JavaScript

Previous Article: Deliver Premium Content Safely with JavaScript EME

Series: Web APIs – JavaScript Tutorials


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