Handling PostgreSQL Error: Remaining Connection Slots Are Reserved

Updated: January 4, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Encountering errors related to database connection limits can be frustrating. When working with PostgreSQL, one such common error is “remaining connection slots are reserved for non-replication superuser connections.” This issue arises when the allocated connection limit is reached, and additional connections cannot be established, potentially halting the application’s functionality. In this article, we will delve into the causes of this error and provide multiple solutions with detailed implementation steps.

Understanding the Error

This error means that PostgreSQL has reached its maximum number of connections allowed, and it is reserving a few connections for superusers to troubleshoot and perform essential administrative tasks. Causes could stem from incorrect configurations, resource-intensive applications, or insufficient hardware to handle the load.

Solution 1: Increase Connection Limit

You can increase the maximum number of connections that PostgreSQL allows. This is only a temporary fix, though, and further evaluation should be made for scaling.

  • Access the PostgreSQL configuration file (postgresql.conf).
  • Locate the max_connections parameter.
  • Increase its value.
  • Restart the PostgreSQL server for the changes to take effect.

Performance Discussion: Increasing the max connections can lead to higher memory usage. Each connection has a certain overhead, so the server might run out of memory or experience performance degradation if not sized correctly.

Solution 2: Optimize Application Queries

Optimizing your application to make efficient use of connections can greatly reduce the occurrence of this error. This involves better connection management and improving the efficiency of your queries to reduce individual connection times.

  • Analyze application logs to find long-running queries.
  • Optimize these queries.
  • Implement connection pooling in your application.

Performance Discussion: By reducing the load on the database server, query optimization and efficient connection handling can reduce resource contention and improve response times.

Solution 3: Use Connection Pooling

Connection pooling is a must when dealing with many client connections. It reduces the overhead on the database server by reusing existing connections for multiple client requests.

A popular approach in PostgreSQL is to use pgBouncer, a lightweight connection pooler.

  • Install pgBouncer.
  • Configure it to manage your PostgreSQL connections.
  • Point your application to use pgBouncer as the database connection server.

You don’t necessarily need code modification to set up a connection pooler; configuration files and server management are the primary tasks.

Performance Discussion: Connection pooling can significantly reduce overhead, but the performance gain will mostly be observed under high load scenarios. Additionally, there might be limits to the scalability of pooling when it comes to extremely high traffic applications.


Each of these solutions comes with its own set of trade-offs. Increasing the maximum number of connections might be the quickest fix but is not scalable. Optimizing application queries may require intricate knowledge of the workings of your application. Lastly, connection pooling offers substantial performance benefits but requires thorough testing to ensure application compatibility. Properly diagnosing the root cause will help in selecting the most appropriate solution.