Handling sub-requests in Symfony: A Practical Guide

Updated: January 13, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Sub-requests are a cornerstone in Symfony development, providing developers with the capability to manage and control requests within their applications. This guide will take you through the concept of sub-requests, their importance, and how to implement them in your Symfony projects. Read on to understand the advantages of using sub-requests, explore practical examples, and become proficient at incorporating this powerful feature into your applications.

What Is a Sub-Request?

In Symfony, a sub-request is essentially a request that is made during the processing of another ‘main’ request. Essentially, your application is asking itself to perform an action, similarly to how it would handle an incoming request from a browser. It’s a convenient method to reuse your logic and render views or parts of the page from within a controller.

Why Use Sub-Requests?

  • Reusability: They promote reusability of existing controllers/actions.
  • Isolation: They allow parts of your application to be autonomous which aids testing and development.
  • Composition: They facilitate the composition of a page from multiple, independently-controlled parts (like widgets, sidebars, etc.).

Basic Implementation

To create a sub-request in Symfony, you will use the forward() method from the controller, which is part of the Symfony AbstractController class. This method allows you to forward the current request to another controller method, which can return a response that your main action can use or incorporate into a larger response.

Example Use Case: Imagine you have a dashboard controller action and you’d like to include the latest news feed section which is already managed by a separate controller. Instead of duplicating code, you will create a sub-request to that dedicated news feed controller.

public function dashboard(Request $request): Response {
    // ... some dashboard logic

    // Create a sub-request to the news feed controller
    $response = $this->forward('App\Controller\NewsController::feed', [
        'max' => 5

    // Render the dashboard with the included news feed
    return $this->render('dashboard/dashboard.html.twig', [
        'news_feed' => $response->getContent()

This method will call the feed action on the NewsController and pass the parameter max with a value of 5. The NewsController action will handle the sub-request as if it was a normal request.

Advanced Usage

While the basic implementation covers many use cases, sometimes more control over the request is necessary. Here’s how to manually create and handle a sub-request:

use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernelInterface;

public function dashboardWithManualSubRequest(Request $request, HttpKernelInterface $httpKernel): Response {
    // ... some dashboard logic

    // Manually create a sub-request
    $pathInfo = '/path/to/sub/request';
    $subRequest = $request->duplicate(null, null, ['_controller' => 'App\Controller\SomeController::someAction']);
    $subRequest->server->set('PATH_INFO', $pathInfo);
    $subRequest->server->set('REQUEST_URI', $pathInfo);

    // Handle the sub-request
    $response = $httpKernel->handle($subRequest, HttpKernelInterface::SUB_REQUEST);

    // Render the dashboard with the result of sub-request handling
    return $this->render('dashboard/dashboardWithSubRequest.html.twig', [
        'sub_content' => $response->getContent()

By manually creating a sub-request, you gain the flexibility to define the method, the parameters, and even manipulate the server variables.

Best Practices

  • Keep it clear: Ensure that the purpose of each sub-request is clear and understandable to maintain readability and manageability of your code.
  • Independent sub-requests: Design your sub-requests to be independent so they don’t rely on side effects from the main request.
  • Limit usage: While sub-requests are useful, they shouldn’t be overused. Reserve them for scenarios where their benefits are the greatest.

Testing Sub-Requests

Just like any other part of your code, sub-requests should be tested. Symfony’s functional test tools allow you to test the handling of these requests in isolation or as part of a larger request.

Example Testing: Assuming we have a newsAction we want to test can look like this:

use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Test\WebTestCase;

class NewsControllerTest extends WebTestCase {
    public function testFeedAction() {
        // Create client and request
        $client = static::createClient();
        $crawler = $client->request('GET', '/news/feed');

        // Assertions
        $this->assertSelectorTextContains('.news-item', 'Latest news item');

This asserts that when a request is made to the news feed route, the response is successful and that there is a news item on the page.


Sub-requests in Symfony are a mighty feature that allows developers to build complex but well-organized web applications. By leveraging sub-requests, you can keep your code DRY and maintain a clear architecture. Experiment with the sub-requests in your projects and embrace the modular design principles they encourage. With this guide, you will be well on your way to mastering the intricacies of handling sub-requests with Symfony!