Hashed Indexes in MongoDB: A Practical Guide

Updated: February 6, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

In the world of database management, efficiency, and speed in data retrieval processes are paramount. MongoDB, the leading NoSQL database, offers various indexing techniques to optimize query performance, among which hashed indexes stand out for their ability to support sharding and fast equality matches. This practical guide delves into the concept of hashed indexes in MongoDB, showcasing how to create, use, and optimize them through a series of code examples.

Understanding Hashed Indexes

Before diving into how to work with hashed indexes, it’s important to understand what they are. A hashed index is a type of index that stores the hash of the value of a field. This mechanism facilitates efficient distribution of documents across shards in sharded clusters by evenly spreading them out based on the hashed value. Hashed indexes are ideal for equality searches but do not support range queries.

Creating a Hashed Index

To create a hashed index in MongoDB, use the db.collection.createIndex() method with the field you want to hash followed by "hashed". Here’s a basic example:

db.myCollection.createIndex({ myField: "hashed" });

It’s as straightforward as it looks. This action creates a hashed index on myField in myCollection.

Verifying Your Index

Once created, it’s good practice to verify that your index has been properly set up. Use the db.collection.getIndexes() method to list all indexes on a collection:


This command outputs all indexes, allowing you to confirm the existence and correctness of your hashed index.

When to Use Hashed Indexes

Although hashed indexes offer benefits, they are not a one-size-fits-all solution. They’re particularly useful in scenarios where:

  • Sharding is required for distributing data across multiple servers.
  • You mainly perform equality match queries rather than range queries.
  • Random read and write access patterns are observed.

Understanding your application’s query patterns is crucial when deciding whether to use hashed indexes.

Optimizing Hashed Index Performance

While hashed indexes improve query performance, they must be properly managed to avoid potential downsides. Here are key practices for optimizing the performance of hashed indexes:

  • Index Size Management: Keep an eye on the size of your indexes. Large indexes can negatively impact performance. Consider removing unused or less frequently used indexes.
  • Data Skew: Although hashed indexes aim to distribute data evenly, significant skew can occur with low cardinality fields. Use fields with high cardinality for hashing.
  • Monitoring: Regularly monitor your system’s performance. Tools like MongoDB Atlas provide insights into query performance, helping identify when adjustments are needed.

Advanced Techniques

For those looking to further enhance their use of hashed indexes, consider the following advanced techniques:

  • Compound Hashed Indexes: MongoDB does not directly support compound hashed indexes. However, you can manually hash a combination of fields and store the result in a field to be indexed.
  • Hashed Prefix Sharding: For sharded collections where range-based queries also need to be efficient, consider using a compound index with a hashed prefix. This approach uses a hashed field as the sharding key but includes additional fields in the index for range queries.


Hashed indexes in MongoDB provide a powerful tool for improving query performance, particularly in distributed environments. By understanding when and how to use them, you can make informed decisions that enhance your application’s responsiveness and scalability. Remember, the key to effective database management is not just the tools you use but how well you understand your data and its patterns.

With the guidelines and code examples provided in this guide, you’re well-equipped to start implementing hashed indexes in MongoDB. However, always remember to consider your specific application needs and query patterns when choosing the right indexing strategy.