Homebrew Error: The brew link step did not complete successfully

Updated: January 28, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

The Problem

Encountering errors while using Homebrew can disrupt your workflow and productivity. Among these, the ‘brew link step did not complete successfully’ error can be particularly confusing for users who are not familiar with what this step does or why it failed. Fortunately, there are several potential solutions that might resolve this issue. Each solution will vary in its appropriateness depending on the user’s specific situation.

When does the Error Occur?

This error typically occurs when Homebrew cannot create symlinks in the /usr/local hierarchy because the target files already exist or because of permission issues. Homebrew relies on these symbolic links to properly reference the installed software. When a linking error occurs, the software may not function as expected or be ‘recognizable’ by the system.

Solution 1: Overwriting Existing Symlinks

Sometimes the error is a result of pre-existing symlinks. The brew link –overwrite command forcibly creates new symlinks, replacing the old ones.

  1. Run the brew link command with the –overwrite option
  2. Check to see if the error persists

The command:

brew link --overwrite [Formula]


  • Pros: Quick fix for outdated or incorrect symlinks.
  • Cons: It might remove custom links you’ve set up manually. Use with caution.

Solution 2: Checking Permissions

If the issue is related to permission errors, correcting the permissions of the /usr/local directory and its subdirectories may solve the problem.

  1. Check the permissions of the Homebrew directories
  2. Change the ownership to the current user if necessary


sudo chown -R $(whoami) /usr/local/*
sudo chmod -R u+w /usr/local/*


  • Pros: Fixes permission issues that might be causing the error.
  • Cons: Changing permissions can introduce security risks if not done carefully.

Solution 3: Unlink and Link

Unlinking and then linking again can resolve the issue by resetting the symlinks.

  1. Unlink the formula using the brew unlink command
  2. Try linking it again with the brew link command


brew unlink [Formula]
brew link [Formula]


  • Pros: Simple and effective way to refresh symlinks.
  • Cons: May not resolve underlying issues such as conflicting files or directories.

Solution 4: Remove and Reinstall

If all else fails, completely removing the problematic formula and reinstalling it can sometimes clear up the issues that are causing the linking error.

  1. Remove the formula with brew uninstall
  2. Reinstall the formula using brew install


brew uninstall [Formula]
brew install [Formula]


  • Pros: Reinstalling removes corrupted files and reinstalls with the correct symlinks.
  • Cons: The most time-consuming option and you might lose any custom configurations.


Dealing with Homebrew link errors can be frustrating, but understanding their cause is the first step to resolving them. Whether it’s a simple permission issue or a more complex problem with conflicting files, the solutions provided above should help in getting Homebrew back on track. Regular maintenance and understanding of how Homebrew manages its file linking are crucial to prevent such errors in the future.