Homebrew: How to install a specific version of a package

Updated: January 28, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Homebrew is a popular package manager for macOS and Linux that simplifies the process of installing, updating, and managing software. While it’s easy to install the latest version of a package using Homebrew, sometimes developers require a specific version due to dependencies or compatibility issues with other software. In this tutorial, you’ll learn various methods to install a specific version of a package using Homebrew.

Understanding Homebrew Versioning

Before proceeding with installation, it’s important to understand how Homebrew handles versions. Typically, Homebrew formulae in the main homebrew/core repository only provide the latest stable version of software. To install older versions, you’ll often need to work with homebrew/cask or third-party ‘tap’ repositories that can contain multiple versions of a package.

Basic Installation with Homebrew

Let’s begin by covering how to install the latest version of a package:

$ brew install <package-name>

For example, to install Node.js:

$ brew install node

Searching for Available Versions

Next, if you need a specific version of a package, start by searching for available versions:

$ brew search <package-name>

This command will list both the main and versioned formulae available for installation. For instance:

$ brew search node

Checking Version Details

Once you find the specific version you need, you might want to get more information about that version:

$ brew info <formula>

For example:

$ brew info node@14

Installing a Specific Version

Now, to the main focus: installing a particular version of a package. This is done via the following command:

$ brew install <formula>

Here’s how you install Node.js version 14:

$ brew install node@14

Linking the Installed Version

After the installation, you might need to link the specific version if it isn’t already done:

$ brew link --force --overwrite node@14

Using Older Versions from Taps

If the required version isn’t available in the main repositories, you’ll need to use a tap. A tap is an external repository of formulae. First, you tap the repository:

$ brew tap homebrew/cask-versions

Then you can install the desired version from the tap:

$ brew install <tap/formula>

For instance:

$ brew install homebrew/cask-versions/firefox-esr

More Advanced Homebrew Commands

Formulating Installation Commands

Often, you might find yourself needing to automate installation or scripting the process. Here are the basic blocks:

$ brew tap <tap-name> && brew install <tap/formula>

Locking a Version

Down the road, you may wish to prevent a formula from updating to the latest version during a brew upgrade. This is done by ‘pinning’ the formula:

$ brew pin <formula>

To unpin later:

$ brew unpin <formula>

For example, to pin the Node.js version you installed:

$ brew pin node@14

Handling Issues with Specific Versions

Dependencies and Post-installation Setup

Some packages might require additional steps or dependencies. Always refer to the documentation that comes with the versioned formula to ensure you’ve met all additional requirements. Ensure you install any dependencies before trying to install the main package.

Using Homebrew Services

For packages that include services (like databases or servers), you can manage them using the brew services command. For example, to start a specific version of PostgreSQL:

$ brew services start postgresql@10


Finally, you might want to clean up older versions or cache:

$ brew cleanup <formula>

For example:

$ brew cleanup node


In this tutorial, we’ve gone over several methods to install specific versions of packages using Homebrew. We’ve also covered how to link and pin different versions, manage services, and clean up after installations. Homebrew’s flexibility with versioning ensures that you can maintain your development environment just the way you need it, stable and consistent.