Homebrew: How to Start/Stop/Restart a Service

Updated: January 28, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Homebrew is a popular package manager for macOS, and has been an essential tool for developers and power users alike. One of its many functionalities includes the ability to manage background services through Homebrew Services. Whether you need a database like MySQL running in the background, or a web server like Nginx, Homebrew Services makes it easy to start, stop, and restart these services on your Mac. This tutorial will guide you through the basics to more advanced usages of managing services with Homebrew.

Installation and Setup

Before managing services, you must have Homebrew installed. You can install Homebrew by running the following command in the terminal:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install.sh)"

Once Homebrew is installed, you can tap the services command extension with:

brew tap homebrew/services

Starting a Service

To start a service, you’ll need to first install the service you want to manage. For example, to install the MySQL service, run:

brew install mysql

After installation, you can start MySQL by using:

brew services start mysql

This command will initialize the MySQL service and run it in the background. The output may look like this:

==> Successfully started `mysql` (label: homebrew.mxcl.mysql)

Stopping a Service

When you need to stop a running service, you can issue the stop command. To stop the MySQL service, you would run:

brew services stop mysql

The terminal will confirm the service has stopped:

==> Successfully stopped `mysql` (label: homebrew.mxcl.mysql)

Restarting a Service

If you’re making configuration changes or simply need to refresh a service, restart it with the following command:

brew services restart mysql

You’ll receive confirmation that the service has restarted:

==> Successfully stopped `mysql` (label: homebrew.mxcl.mysql)
==> Successfully started `mysql` (label: homebrew.mxcl.mysql)

List Running Services

To see a list of all running services managed by Homebrew, use:

brew services list

This will display a table with the service name, status, and other pertinent details.

Customizing Service Operations

Homebrew services can also be customized with plists (property list files). If you want to customize how a service starts, for instance by setting certain environment variables, you could edit its plist file located at:


Be careful with these files as incorrect configurations can prevent your service from starting properly.

Running Services on User Login

Homebrew allows you to run services on user login instead of immediately on boot. For this, use the ‘run’ command:

brew services run <service>

This will not start the service right away, but set it up to start upon your next login.

Advanced: Running Multiple Versions of a Service

In some scenarios, you may need to run multiple versions of a service such as PHP. Homebrew services handle this smoothly by allowing you to switch between versions effortlessly:

brew install [email protected]
brew link [email protected]
brew services start [email protected]

If you later need to switch to a different PHP version, you would stop the current version’s service, unlink it, and start the other:

brew services stop [email protected]
brew unlink [email protected]
brew link [email protected]
brew services start [email protected]

Troubleshooting Services

If you encounter issues in starting a service, you can utilize Homebrew’s log information or try restarting the service with verbose options to see more details:

brew services restart --verbose mysql

This verbose command can provide additional insight into any startup issues.

Cleaning Up Unused Services

If you have services you no longer use, clean them up to free resources with:

brew services cleanup

This command will stop and remove any user services that are no longer linked or have been uninstalled from Homebrew.


In summary, Homebrew Services provides Mac users with a simple command-line interface for managing services with ease. By starting, stopping, and restarting services, developers gain greater control over their local development environment. Efficiently managing services is crucial, particularly as you engage with more complex projects and configurations.