How to add/remove columns to/from a table in MySQL 8

Updated: January 25, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Managing database tables effectively is crucial for the maintenance and optimization of any database system. In MySQL 8, adding and removing columns from a database table are common tasks that database administrators and developers need to perform. This tutorial will guide you through the steps to modify the structure of tables in MySQL 8 by adding or removing columns.


  • MySQL 8 installed and running.
  • Access to a MySQL database with permissions to alter tables.
  • Basic understanding of SQL and database concepts.

Adding Columns to a Table

Basic Syntax for Adding a Column

ALTER TABLE table_name ADD column_name column_definition;

For example, to add a VARCHAR column named description to a table called products:

ALTER TABLE products ADD description VARCHAR(255);

The SQL statement above will add the description column to the end of the products table.

Adding Multiple Columns

It is also possible to add multiple columns in one operation:

ALTER TABLE table_name
ADD first_column column_definition,
ADD second_column column_definition;

For instance, to add two columns, published_date and author:

ALTER TABLE articles
ADD published_date DATE,
ADD author VARCHAR(100);

This will add both the published_date and author columns to the articles table in a single query.

Specifying Column Position

You can specify where in the table a new column should be added:

ALTER TABLE table_name 
ADD column_name column_definition
[AFTER existing_column | FIRST];

To add a category_id column before the description column we previously added to our products table:

ALTER TABLE products
ADD category_id INT AFTER description;

To add it as the first column of the table:

ALTER TABLE products
ADD category_id INT FIRST;

Removing Columns from a Table

Basic Syntax for Removing a Column

ALTER TABLE table_name DROP COLUMN column_name;

To remove the category_id column from the products table:

ALTER TABLE products DROP COLUMN category_id;

Removing Multiple Columns

Similar to adding columns, you can drop multiple columns in a single statement:

ALTER TABLE table_name
DROP first_column,
DROP second_column;

To remove both published_date and author columns from the articles table:

ALTER TABLE articles
DROP published_date,
DROP author;

Advanced Column Modifications

Adding Columns with Default Values

ALTER TABLE table_name
ADD column_name column_definition
DEFAULT default_value;

To add a new column status with a default value ‘active’ to the products table:

ALTER TABLE products
ADD status VARCHAR(10) DEFAULT 'active';

Renaming Columns

To rename a column, you can use the following SQL syntax:

ALTER TABLE table_name
CHANGE old_column_name new_column_name column_definition;

Rename description to product_description in the products table:

ALTER TABLE products
CHANGE description product_description VARCHAR(255);

Removing Columns Safely with IF EXISTS

In MySQL 8.0.19 and higher, the IF EXISTS clause can be used to avoid errors when dropping a column that does not exist:

ALTER TABLE table_name

To safely attempt to remove a discount column from products table:

ALTER TABLE products

Best Practices for Altering Table Structures

When altering table structures:

  • Make a backup of the database before making structural changes.
  • Test changes on a development server first.
  • Use the IF EXISTS clause to prevent errors.
  • Limit the use of altering operations during peak hours to avoid performance issues.
  • Consider the impact on existing queries, indexes, and foreign keys.


Adding and removing columns are fundamental tasks when managing MySQL databases. This tutorial provided the necessary commands and best practices to modify table structures in MySQL 8. By following the examples provided, you can alter your tables efficiently and responsibly, ensuring the integrity of your database.