How to add tags to a service in Symfony

Updated: January 13, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


When working with the Symfony framework, service containers play a crucial role in managing the components of the application. They enable modular and efficient code by allowing services to be tagged and thus easily identified for specific purposes. This tutorial guides you through the process of tagging services within Symfony, showing you how to harness the power of tags to organize your codebase effectively.

Understanding Service Tags

Before diving into the specifics of adding tags to a service, let’s clarify what a service tag is. In Symfony, a tag is a way to mark a service for a specific use case, which allows other services or Symfony itself to identify and utilize these services under certain conditions without needing to know their actual service ID. This becomes particularly useful when dealing with events, compiler passes, and more. Basically, it helps with sorting services into logical groupings and simplifying configuration.

Basic Tagging

Adding a tag to a service in Symfony is straightforward. Service definitions are typically located in configurations files such as services.yaml. To add a tag, you simply edit your service definition to include the tags attribute:

    class: App\Service\MyService
      - { name: 'my.custom.tag' }

In the example above, app.my_service is the service that you are tagging with my.custom.tag. This allows Symfony and your application to later recognize this service by its tag when necessary.

Working with Compiler Passes

One of the key uses of tags in Symfony is within Compiler Passes. A Compiler Pass allows you to manipulate the service container during the compilation process, often examining and modifying services with certain tags. Below is an example of how to create a Compiler Pass that collects services tagged with my.custom.tag and processes them:

namespace App\DependencyInjection\Compiler;

use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler\CompilerPassInterface;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder;

class MyCustomTagPass implements CompilerPassInterface
    public function process(ContainerBuilder $container)
        $taggedServices = $container->findTaggedServiceIds('my.custom.tag');

        // Do something with the tagged services
        // e.g., add them to another service through method calls
        foreach ($taggedServices as $id => $tags) {
            // Process tagged services

This Compiler Pass gathers all services tagged with my.custom.tag, allowing you to perform operations on them, such as injecting them into a collection or modifying their definitions.

Advanced Usage

For more advanced requirements, tags can take additional parameters which can then be utilized in Compiler Passes. Below is how you’d update your service definition to include tag attributes:

    class: App\Service\MyService
      - { name: 'my.custom.tag', priority: 100 }

In this case, priority is an arbitrary attribute that you’ve chosen to give context to the service’s tag. During process compilation, this attribute can be retrieved and used to, for example, sort services by their priority:

foreach ($taggedServices as $id => $tags) {
    // Assume each service has the 'priority' attribute
    $priority = $tags[0]['priority'];

    // You could now sort or filter services based on $priority

The usability of tags is wide and varying depending upon what your application needs to accomplish. With attributes, tags become a powerful way to not only mark but also configure services dynamically based on characteristics defined in their tags.

Tagging Through Annotations

In some cases, you might prefer to tag services through annotations directly within your PHP class files, which is especially handy if you focus on a domains-driven approach. As of Symfony 3.3, autoconfiguration and autowiring features allow you to achieve this easily. Assuming you have enabled these features, you can tag your services like so:

use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Annotation\Service;

 * @Service(tags={"name": "my.custom.tag"})
class MyService
    // ...

Here @Service is an annotation that tags the MyService class, ready for auto-configuration.


Tagging services in Symfony is an integral part of mastering the framework’s service container. It allows for a high level of decoupling, scalability, and flexibility. From simple identification to complex injection strategies used in compiler passes, service tags can significantly simplify and empower operation complexities across your application, opening up vast opportunities for its architecture.