How to add unsigned integer column in Doctrine

Updated: January 14, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Add an unsigned integer column to a database schema using the Doctrine ORM may at first seem challenging, but by understanding a few key concepts and steps, it becomes quite straightforward. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process, and we’ll be sure to include some helpful code examples along the way.

Understanding Unsigned Integers

Before diving in, it’s important to understand what an unsigned integer is. In database terms, an integer can typically be ‘signed’ or ‘unsigned’. A signed integer can hold both positive and negative values, whereas an unsigned integer can only hold positive values (and zero).

In Doctrine, unsigned integers are not part of the official DBAL (Database Abstraction Layer) platforms and adding one requires using custom column definitions or platform events.


To get the most out of this tutorial, you should have:

  • Basic knowledge of PHP
  • Understanding of how to work with Doctrine ORM
  • An existing Doctrine Entity where you’d like to add the column

Adding an Unsigned Integer Column in Doctrine

Let’s get started by exploring how to add an unsigned integer to your Doctrine Entity.

Step 1: Modify your Entity Class

Add the following property to your entity class:

namespace App\Entity;

use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;

class YourEntity
     * @ORM\Column(type="integer", options={"unsigned"=true})
     * @var int
    private $unsignedIntColumn;

    // ... getter and setter methods ...

Note that we specify the options array in the annotation, setting ‘unsigned’ to true.

Step 2: Update Schema

Next, you need to update your schema. This can be done using the console command:

php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force 

This will apply the changes to your database, creating an unsigned integer column as defined in your entity. Remember that this action will perform the changes directly on your database, so make sure you’ve backed up your data or are in a development environment.

Step 3: Write a Migration

Alternatively, you can write a Doctrine Migration for this change. First, you’ll generate a new migration file using:

php bin/console doctrine:migrations:diff

This will create a new migration class in the migrations directory. You can then manually adjust the migration SQL to ensure that your new column is unsigned:


namespace DoctrineMigrations;

use Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Schema;
use Doctrine\Migrations\AbstractMigration;

class VersionYourVersionNumber extends AbstractMigration
    public function getDescription(): string
        return 'Add unsigned integer column';

    // ... other migration methods ...

    public function up(Schema $schema): void
        $this->addSql('ALTER TABLE your_table ADD unsigned_int_column INT UNSIGNED');

    public function down(Schema $schema): void
        $this->addSql('ALTER TABLE your_table DROP unsigned_int_column');

After you have adjusted your migration file, you can apply the migration:

php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate

Caveats for Specific Database Platforms

It’s worth noting that support for unsigned integers is platform-dependent. Some databases, like MySQL, support unsigned integers natively, while others, such as PostgreSQL, do not. For databases without unsigned integer support, Doctrine may either fail to create the column or create it as a regular integer column instead.

In the scenario where the database does not support unsigned integers, one solution is to use event listeners to modify the SQL that Doctrine generates when it manages the database schema.

Using Event Listeners

Here’s how you can set up a platform-specific event listener:

// src/EventListener/UnsignedIntegerSubscriber.php

namespace App\EventListener;

use Doctrine\Common\EventSubscriber;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Platform;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Events;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Event\SchemaCreateTableColumnEventArgs;

class UnsignedIntegerSubscriber implements EventSubscriber
    public function getSubscribedEvents()
        return [

    public function onSchemaCreateTableColumn(SchemaCreateTableColumnEventArgs $args)
        $column = $args->getColumn();
        if ($column->getType()->getName() === 'integer' && $column->getUnsigned()) {
            $platform = $args->getPlatform();
            if (!$platform instanceof Platform\MySqlPlatform) {
                // Modify the SQL for platforms that do not support unsigned integers

In the above example, our event listener checks if the column being created is of type ‘integer’ and if it’s unsigned. If the underlying platform doesn’t support unsigned integers, the SQL can be adjusted accordingly.


In conclusion, adding an unsigned integer column to your database using Doctrine requires special consideration, but it’s entirely possible. By following the detailed steps outlined in this guide, modifying your entities, writing migrations, and using event subscribers when necessary, you can successfully manage unsigned integer columns across different database platforms with Doctrine.

Remember to always test your changes in a safe development environment before applying them to your production database. Happy coding!