How to Bulk Insert Records in PostgreSQL

Updated: January 4, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Efficiently managing large volumes of data is crucial for performance in databases. This guide delves into the specifics of performing bulk inserts in PostgreSQL, thereby optimizing data insertion for scale and speed.

Understanding Bulk Insert

Bulk insertion is a technique used to insert multiple rows into a database table in a single operation, which reduces overhead and can significantly improve performance. PostgreSQL offers several methods for bulk data insertion, catering to different scenarios and data sizes. This tutorial will cover basic to advanced methods of bulk inserting records into PostgreSQL databases.


  • A running PostgreSQL server and appropriate credentials to access your database.
  • Basic knowledge of SQL and PostgreSQL syntax.
  • A client software or psql command-line tool to execute SQL commands.

Method 1: Using INSERT with Multiple Rows

INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, ...) VALUES
(value1a, value1b, ...),
(value2a, value2b, ...),
(valueNa, valueNb, ...);

This method allows you to insert multiple rows with a single INSERT statement. This is ideal for small to medium amounts of data, where writing individual INSERT statements for each record would be impractical.

Method 2: Using the COPY Command

COPY table_name (column1, column2, ...) FROM '/path/to/data.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV;

The COPY command is one of the fastest ways to perform bulk inserts in PostgreSQL. The data needs to be in a format suitable for COPY, typically a CSV file. Proper permissions for the file and directory are required for the PostgreSQL server to read the file.

Method 3: Using pgAdmin Import/Export Tool

pgAdmin, the graphical tool for PostgreSQL administration, offers a user-friendly interface for importing data through an ‘Import/Export’ wizard..

Method 4: Bulk Insert with Psql \\copy Command

copy table_name (column1, column2, ...) FROM stdin;
<data rows>

Suitable for situations where you don’t have direct file system access but can still interact with the database through the psql command-line tool.

Advanced Techniques for Bulk Inserts

  • Using transactions to rollback in case of errors during bulk insert.
  • Inserting data in batches to optimize performance and prevent locking the table for too long.
  • Using temporary tables and the INSERT INTO … SELECT pattern for complex data transformation before the final insert.

Performance Considerations

In the later tutorials about Postgres on Sling Academy, we’ll cover indexes, disabling triggers, and efficient use of computational resources to ensure that bulk inserts do not negatively impact the performance of your PostgreSQL database.

You can see the full series here: PostgreSQL Tutorials – From Basic to Advanced.

Error Handling

Error handling is essential in executing bulk inserts, and using tools such as psql’s ON_ERROR_STOP=1 can protect data integrity by stopping execution on errors.


Bulk inserting records is an effective approach to optimize database performance. By using the strategies outlined in this article, you can handle large data sets efficiently in PostgreSQL, tailor your approach according to data size, complexity, and ensure reliable and fast database operations.