How to Compare Two Models in Eloquent

Updated: January 17, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


When dealing with object-relational mapping in Laravel’s Eloquent, it is often necessary to compare two models to determine if they represent the same record in the database or to see what attributes have changed between them. This comprehensive guide will explore several methods to compare two models in Eloquent effectively.

Understanding Model Equality

Before diving into the comparison, it’s crucial to understand what it means for two Eloquent models to be ‘equal.’ Two models are considered equal if they are instances of the same Eloquent model class and have the same identifier or primary key in the database.

Using the `is` Method

$user1 = User::find(1);
$user2 = User::find(1);

// Compare using the 'is' method
if ($user1->is($user2)) {
    echo 'Models represent the same record.';

The ‘is’ method performs a strict comparison between two models by checking their class and primary key.

Inspecting Attribute Changes

Sometimes, we need to compare attributes of models to see what has changed. Eloquent provides a range of methods to facilitate this.

Using the `isDirty` and `isClean` Methods

$user = User::find(1);
$user->name = 'New Name';

// Check if the 'name' attribute is dirty
if ($user->isDirty('name')) {
    echo 'Name has been changed.';

// Check if the model is clean
if ($user->isClean()) {
    echo 'No attributes have been changed.';

The ‘isDirty’ method checks if the specified attributes have been changed since the model was queried from the database or since the last save. On the other hand, ‘isClean’ determines if no attributes have been modified.

Using the `getOriginal` Method

$user = User::find(1);
$originalName = $user->getOriginal('name');

The ‘getOriginal’ method can be used to retrieve the original value of an attribute before any modifications occurred.

Checking Relationships

Models are often defined with relationships, and sometimes those need to be compared. For instance, determining if two users belong to the same role might be done as follows:

$user1 = User::with('roles')->find(1);
$user2 = User::with('roles')->find(2);

if ($user1->roles->isEqual($user2->roles)) {
    echo 'Users share the same roles.';

The `isEqual` method is available for comparing collections and will compare the items in the collections provided they also are models.

Using Custom Comparison Logic

In some cases, you might need to define your own comparison logic. This can be crucial when dealing with complex models or relationships.

Custom Model Method

class User extends Model
    public function equals(User $user): bool
        return $this->id === $user->id &&
               $this->attributesToArray() == $user->attributesToArray();

$user1 = User::find(1);
$user2 = User::find(1);

if ($user1->equals($user2)) {
    echo 'Users are equal.';

This custom method allows for a more comprehensive comparison that considers both the identifier and the attributes array.

Testing Model Equivalence in PHPUnit

When writing tests using PHPUnit, you’ll often need to confirm that two models are equal. PHPUnit provides several assertions to help with this.

Using `assertEquals`

public function testModelEquality()
    $user1 = User::find(1);
    $user2 = User::find(1);

    $this->assertEquals($user1, $user2);

This assertion checks if two variables have the same type and value. With Eloquent models, it compares their properties, including attributes and relationships.

Final Words

The above examples provide a multitude of methods for comparing two Eloquent models. These strategies can be mixed and matched and are valuable tools in developing robust, flexible Laravel applications that require fine-grained model comparison.

Remember these approaches when comparing Eloquent models for performing data integrity checks, ensuring consistency during testing, or implementing business logic in your Laravel applications. The ability to compare models accurately is pivotal in maintaining high standards of data reliability across your application.