How to completely remove Kafka from your computer

Updated: January 30, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Removing Kafka from your computer involves more than just deleting the main application. It requires careful attention to clean system variables, configurations, and directories that were used by Kafka. This guide will take you through the steps to remove Kafka along with its dependencies such as Apache ZooKeeper.

Removing Kafka Dependencies

Before jumping into the uninstallation process, understand that Kafka heavily relies on Apache ZooKeeper. Therefore, removing Kafka also requires dealing with ZooKeeper installations.

Step 1: Stop Kafka and ZooKeeper Services


Check that the services have stopped properly:

ps -ef | grep -E '(kafka|zookeeper)'

The output should not list any Kafka or ZooKeeper processes.

Step 2: Remove System Variables and Paths

Open your shell configuration file and remove any Kafka-related entries:

vim ~/.bashrc # or use other relevant shell configuration files
# Remove lines setting KAFKA_HOME and updating PATH

Reload your shell configuration:

source ~/.bashrc

Step 3: Delete Kafka Directories

Delete the directories where Kafka and ZooKeeper store logs and data:

rm -rf /tmp/kafka-logs
rm -rf /tmp/zookeeper

Remove Kafka installation directory:

rm -rf /path/to/kafka

Step 4: Advanced Steps for Complete Removal

If you’ve installed Kafka using a package manager, follow these steps:

For Homebrew on macOS

brew services stop kafka
brew uninstall kafka
brew cleanup

For APT on Debian-based Linux

sudo systemctl stop kafka
sudo apt-get remove --purge kafka
sudo apt-get autoremove

For YUM on RHEL-based Linux

sudo systemctl stop kafka
sudo yum remove kafka
sudo yum autoremove

And in each case, ensure that you also handle the ZooKeeper package if installed separately:

# Related commands depending on your package manager

Special Considerations

Check for any user-specific configurations in your home directory:

find ~/ -name '*kafka*' -delete
find ~/ -name '*zookeeper*' -delete

Also, remove any Kafka related cron jobs if you’ve set them up:

crontab -e # Then remove the Kafka related lines

Networking and Firewall Cleanup

When uninstalling Kafka from a server or a set of servers, it’s important to also revert any networking rules or firewall configurations that were specifically set for Kafka. This ensures that your system’s security posture remains intact and no unnecessary ports or rules are left open.

Here’s an example scenario that involves cleaning up firewall rules for Kafka, assuming Kafka was running on the default port 9092. The exact steps can vary depending on your operating system and firewall software. I’ll provide an example for a Linux system using iptables, a common firewall tool.

Example: Reverting Firewall Rules for Kafka

Step 1 – Check Existing Rules

First, review the current iptables rules to identify the ones related to Kafka:

sudo iptables -L -n -v

Step 2 – Remove Specific Rules

If you have specific rules for Kafka (e.g., allowing traffic on port 9092), you will need to remove them. The command depends on the exact rule you added. For instance, if you had added a rule to allow inbound traffic on port 9092, you would remove it like this:

sudo iptables -D INPUT -p tcp --dport 9092 -j ACCEPT

Step 3 – Save the Changes

After removing the rules, save the updated iptables configuration. The command to save iptables rules varies by Linux distribution. For example, on Debian-based systems:

sudo iptables-save | sudo tee /etc/iptables/rules.v4

Or on Red Hat-based systems:

sudo systemctl restart iptables

Step 4 – Restart the Firewall Service

Restart the firewall service to apply changes.

sudo systemctl restart iptables

Step 5 – Verify the Changes

Verify that the rules have been successfully removed.

sudo iptables -L -n -v

Important Notes:

  • The specific commands to remove firewall rules will depend on how these rules were initially set up. The above example assumes iptables, but if you’re using a different firewall tool (like Firewalld, UFW, or a cloud provider’s firewall), the commands will be different.
  • Always be cautious when modifying firewall settings to avoid inadvertently blocking legitimate traffic or exposing your system to security risks.
  • If Kafka was part of a larger application setup with interdependent services, ensure that removing these rules does not affect the communication or functionality of other services.

This example provides a basic guideline for reverting Kafka-specific networking and firewall configurations. Don’t forget to tailor these steps to your specific setup and firewall management tools.


By following the steps outlined in this guide, you should now have completely removed Kafka from your computer along with its dependencies and related configurations. Maintaining a clean system environment is crucial for optimal performance and avoiding conflicts between software applications.