How to Configure Git Name and Email

Updated: January 27, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Version control is indispensable in today’s software development practices and Git is arguably the most widely used version control system. If you are new to Git, or even if you’ve been using it for some time, it’s imperative to properly configure your name and email address as they are vital for collaboration and historical tracking. In this tutorial, we will walk through the basics to the more advanced configurations for setting up your Git name and email on your local development machine. By the end of this article, you’ll feel confident customizing Git to your needs.

Basic Git Configurations

Git configurations are stored in three different levels: system, global, and local. The system level applies to every user on the machine and all their repositories. The global level is user-specific and the local level is repository-specific. Generally, you’ll be using the global configuration for personal information such as your name and email.

Checking Your Current Configuration

git config --list

This command outputs the current configuration settings that Git will use for the currently logged in user. Run this before and after your changes to confirm that they have been applied correctly.

Configuring Your User Information Globally

To set your name and email address globally across all local Git repositories, use the following commands:

git config --global "Your Name"

git config --global "[email protected]"

A sample output won’t be displayed here since this command does not produce any output upon successful execution. However, you can confirm that these configurations are set by re-running git config --list.

Advanced User Configuration

Different Names and Emails for Different Repositories

If you’re working with multiple repositories and require different user information for each, you can override global settings at a local repository level.

cd /path/to/repo

git config "Project Specific Name"

git config "[email protected]"

In this case, only the repository in the current directory will use the provided name and email settings.

Checking Configuration at Different Levels

You might want to check configuration settings at a particular level.

git config --system --list

git config --global --list

git config --local --list

These commands help you understand what settings are applied at each level.

Configuration Files

Each level of Git configuration is also associated with a configuration file. The --edit flag will open the configuration file in your default text editor, allowing you to view or change settings directly.

git config --global --edit

Using Include to Manage Multiple Configurations

Git 2.13 introduced the include directive in configuration files, which you can use to include additional configuration files based on certain conditions.

[includeIf "gitdir:~/work/"]
    path = .gitconfig-work

[includeIf "gitdir:~/personal/"]
    path = .gitconfig-personal

By configuring your .gitconfig file this way, you can maintain distinct email addresses and names for different types of projects, differentiated by the location of the directory.

Temporary Configuration Changes

Occasionally, you might want to override your Git configuration for a single command execution. You can do this by setting the GIT_AUTHOR_NAME and GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL environment variables.

GIT_AUTHOR_NAME="Temporary Name" GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL="[email protected]" git commit -m "Use temp name/email for this commit"

The above command will use the specified name and email for only the commit that follows it.

Using Aliases for Efficiency

You can also set up aliases to change user information more efficiently without typing the full commands every time. Open your global .gitconfig file and add the following:

    setuser = "!git config && git config"
    projectuser = "!git config 'Project Specific Name' && git config '[email protected]'"

Now, when you type git setuser, it will prompt you to enter and, and git projectuser will set them for the specific project.

Best Practices

A good practice is to ensure your email address used for commits is associated with your GitHub account if you’re pushing to GitHub. This allows GitHub to link the commits to your profile, enriching your contribution history.

Also, verify the accuracy of your user information before making commits, especially if you’re operating across multiple repositories with varying configuration needs.


Setting up your Git name and email is a fundamental step to ensuring your commits are correctly attributed to you. Whether you’re working across various projects or focused on a single repository, understanding and being able to manipulate Git configurations can streamline your development process.