How to Configure Timeouts in NGINX

Updated: January 20, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


NGINX, a powerful web server and reverse proxy, offers a variety of configuration options, including timeout settings. These settings determine how long NGINX should wait for specific events before giving up and moving on. For example, when NGINX acts as a proxy server, the proxy_read_timeout directive tells NGINX how long to wait for a response from the proxied server.

Understanding Timeout Directives

Before diving into the configuration of NGINX timeouts, let’s familiarize ourselves with the various timeout directives:

  • keepalive_timeout: The time a connection to a client should be kept open without data transfer.
  • send_timeout: The time NGINX will wait for data to be sent to a client.
  • client_body_timeout and client_header_timeout: Time NGINX waits for client body or header information.
  • proxy_connect_timeout: Time for NGINX to establish a connection with the proxied server.
  • proxy_read_timeout: Time for NGINX to wait for a response from a proxied server.
  • proxy_send_timeout: Time for the proxy to wait while sending to a proxied server.
  • fastcgi_read_timeout, uwsgi_read_timeout, scgi_read_timeout: Similar to proxy_read_timeout but for FastCGI, uWSGI, and SCGI respectively.

Basic Timeout Configuration

To get started with configuring timeouts, edit the NGINX configuration file which is usually found at /etc/nginx/nginx.conf or within the /etc/nginx/conf.d/ or /etc/nginx/sites-available/ directories. Here’s an example:

http {
    keepalive_timeout 65;
    send_timeout 30;
    client_body_timeout 60s;
    client_header_timeout 60s;

This configuration sets a keepalive_timeout of 65 seconds, a send_timeout of 30 seconds, and both the client_body_timeout and client_header_timeout to 60 seconds. These are global settings within the http block which means they apply to all server blocks unless overridden.

Advanced Configuration: Proxy Timeouts

For those using NGINX as a proxy server, timeouts can be configured within a specific server block or location block. Here’s an example:

server {
    listen 80;
    location / {
        proxy_pass http://backendserver;
        proxy_connect_timeout 10s;
        proxy_read_timeout 120s;
        proxy_send_timeout 100s;

This configuration tells NGINX to terminate the connection if it cannot connect to the backend server in 10 seconds, to terminate read operations if no data is received for 120 seconds, and to terminate sending operations if unable to complete in 100 seconds.

Troubleshooting and Verifying Timeout Settings

If you’re encountering issues related to timeouts such as 504 Gateway Timeout errors, you may need to fine-tune your settings. Start by incrementally increasing your timeout values, and ensuring your proxy server is properly configured to handle long-running requests. To check if your changes are active, you can use nginx -t to test the configuration and service nginx reload to apply changes without stopping your web server.

Advanced Techniques: Dynamic Timeout Adjustments

Sometimes, you may need different timeouts for different scenarios; dynamic adjustments based on variables can be practical. Here’s an advanced snippet showing conditional logic:

http {
    map $http_user_agent $custom_timeout {
        default             60s;
        ~*Googlebot         120s;

    server {
        listen 80;
        location / {
            proxy_pass http://backendserver;
            proxy_read_timeout $custom_timeout;

This snippet uses the map directive to set a longer timeout for user agents that include ‘Googlebot’


Your NGINX timeout settings can greatly impact the user experience and server performance. Through careful configuration and regular monitoring of your server’s performance, you can identify the optimal timeout values that accommodate your traffic patterns and usage scenarios, leading to a robust, responsive server setup.