How to Count Distinct Rows in SQLAlchemy

Updated: January 3, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


SQLAlchemy is a popular SQL toolkit and Object-Relational Mapper for Python programmers which provides an effective way of handling databases. Counting distinct rows is a common operation which we’ll delve into, illustrating how to perform this task efficiently using SQLAlchemy.

SQLAlchemy abstracts away many of the common tasks related to database interactions, but performing aggregates and counting distinct rows sometimes confuses new users. This article aims to demystify the process, guiding you through a series of examples that increase in complexity as we progress. We’ll use both the SQLAlchemy ORM and the SQL Expression Language to exhibit how distinct row counting can be done. Prior understanding of Python and basic SQL knowledge is assumed.

Counting Distinct Rows: The Basics

Let’s start with the simplest case: You have a table, and you want to count the distinct values of a particular column. Here is an example that demonstrates how to do that:

from sqlalchemy import create_engine, distinct
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
from my_models import MyTable

engine = create_engine('sqlite:///my_database.db')
Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
session = Session()

distinct_count = session.query(func.count(distinct(MyTable.my_column))).scalar()
print(f'Distinct count of my_column: {distinct_count}')

This code snippet creates a database engine connected to an SQLite database, starts a session, and queries the ‘MyTable’ table to count unique ‘my_column’ values.

Dealing with Multiple Columns

What if you want to count distinct row combinations across multiple columns? Here’s how it’s done in SQLAlchemy:

distinct_count = session.query(func.count(distinct(MyTable.column1, MyTable.column2))).scalar()
print(f'Distinct row count across column1 and column2: {distinct_count}')

This will treat each unique combination of ‘column1’ and ‘column2’ as a distinct row, and count those combinations.

Using the SQL Expression Language

For users who prefer the syntax closer to raw SQL or need to perform an operation without the ORM layer, you can use the SQL Expression Language:

from sqlalchemy import select

stmt = select([func.count(distinct(MyTable.column1, MyTable.column2))])
result = engine.execute(stmt).scalar()
print(f'Distinct row count: {result}')

The result variable will contain the count of distinct rows just like in the previous examples, but expressed in a lower-level syntax closer to raw SQL.

Counting with Conditions

Sometimes you may want to count distinct rows that meet certain conditions. Here’s how to apply a where clause to your count:

distinct_count = session.query(func.count(distinct(MyTable.my_column))).filter(MyTable.other_column == 'some_value').scalar()
print(f'Conditional distinct count: {distinct_count}')

This filters the rows to only those where ‘other_column’ equals ‘some_value’ before counting the distinct ‘my_column’ entries.

Working with Joins and Relationships

Join operations are also common when you’re looking to count distinct rows across tables. With SQLAlchemy, joining and then counting distinct values looks like this:

from sqlalchemy.orm import joinedload

distinct_count = session.query(func.count(distinct(MyTable.column1))).options(joinedload(MyTable.other_table)).join(MyTable.other_table).filter(OtherTable.column2 == 'specific_value').scalar()
print(f'Count after join: {distinct_count}')

In this query, we join ‘MyTable’ with ‘OtherTable’, filter on ‘OtherTable’s column2, and count distinct ‘MyTable.column1’ rows.

Group By Clause

The ‘group by’ clause is essential when performing aggregate functions such as ‘count’. It can be implemented as follows:

distances = session.query(MyTable.location, func.count(distinct(MyTable.user_id))).group_by(MyTable.location).all()
for location, user_count in distances:
    print(f'{location}: {user_count} unique users.')

This will output the count of distinct users for each distinct location. Good for categorical data like states, user roles, etc.


SQLAlchemy empowers developers to write concise and readable database queries in Python. Counting distinct rows in various ways, as detailed in this tutorial, is a powerful skill that enables sophisticated data analysis. Remember to consider the performance implications of each method and use appropriate indexing strategies for larger datasets to ensure your application remains responsive under load.

Whether you are new to SQLAlchemy or an experienced developer, effectively counting distinct rows is fundamental for data reporting and analysis. With practice and the guidance from this article, you’ll be adept at extracting exactly the information you need from your databases.