How to Create a Reddit Bot with Node.js

Updated: December 30, 2023 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Creating a Reddit bot can be a great way to automate tasks, interact with users, or analyze data on Reddit. With Node.js, you can set up a simple bot with JavaScript or TypeScript, allowing you to take advantage of modern syntax and features. In this article, we’ll go through a step-by-step guide on setting up a Reddit bot using Node.js, incorporating arrow functions, async/await, and ES modules.

The Steps to Create a Reddit Bot with Node.js

Setting up Your Project

First, create a new directory for your bot and initialize a Node.js project. Install the necessary packages, including the relevant Reddit API wrappers such as snoowrap.

mkdir reddit-bot
 cd reddit-bot
 npm init -y
 npm install snoowrap

Configuring Your Bot

Before writing the bot’s code, you’ll need to create a Reddit script application for API access:

  1. Go to the Reddit apps page.
  2. Click ‘Create an app’ or ‘Create another app’ button.
  3. Fill out the form with the appropriate information.
  4. Once submitted, note down your Client ID and Client Secret.

Implementing the Bot

With your API credentials in hand, it’s time to start coding your bot. Set up your authentication and instantiate the Reddit API wrapper.

import Snoowrap from 'snoowrap';

const r = new Snoowrap({
  userAgent: 'reddit-bot-v1',
  clientId: 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID',
  clientSecret: 'YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET',

Creating the Bot Logic

With your API client set up, you can now write functions to interact with Reddit. For example, you might create a function using async/await to fetch and log new comments from a specific subreddit:

const fetchComments = async subreddit => {
  try {
    const comments = await r.getSubreddit(subreddit).getNewComments();
    comments.forEach(comment => console.log(comment.body));
  } catch (error) {


Listening for Events and Reacting

To make your bot interactive, you can have it listen for specific events, such as new posts or comments, and execute corresponding actions. Here’s an example of how you could reply to a comment with a specific phrase:

const replyToComments = async () => {
  const stream = r.getSubreddit('subreddit-name').stream.comments();
  stream.on('comment', async (comment) => {
    try {
      if (comment.body.includes('phrase-to-look-for')) {
        await comment.reply('Response from the bot.');
    } catch (error) {


Complete Code Example

Below is a simple bot that logs new comments and replies to them if they contain a certain word:

import Snoowrap from 'snoowrap';

const r = new Snoowrap({
  userAgent: 'reddit-bot-v1',
  clientId: 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID',
  clientSecret: 'YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET',

const replyToComments = async () => {
  const stream = r.getSubreddit('subreddit-name').stream.comments();
  stream.on('comment', async (comment) => {
    console.log(`New comment: ${comment.body}`);
    if (comment.body.includes('phrase-to-look-for')) {
      console.log('Found a comment to reply to.');
      await comment.reply('Response from the bot.');



With these steps and some JavaScript or TypeScript, you’ve successfully created a simple Reddit bot using Node.js, which can log and reply to comments in a subreddit. The wonders of Node.js and modern JavaScript features make such tasks more intuitive and fun. Venture further into customization by exploring the Reddit API documentation and expanding your bot’s capabilities!