How to determine the current environment in Laravel

Updated: January 15, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Working with Laravel, a robust framework of PHP, often requires developers to perform different tasks based on the current application environment. Knowing how to determine the environment can be critical for configuring the application’s behavior dynamically. In this tutorial, you’ll learn several methods to achieve this determination throughout a Laravel application.

Basic Environment Detection

Laravel makes environment detection uncomplicated. You can use the App facade’s environment method to check the current environment throughout your application. Here’s an example of how to use it in a controller:

public function index()
    if (App::environment('local')) {
        // The environment is local
        echo 'Environment is local.';

When this route is accessed, it will display ‘Environment is local.’ if the current environment is set to local.

Environment Detection with Helper Function

Laravel also provides a global env helper function, which can be used to retrieve environment variables from your .env file. The basic usage is as follows:

$environment = env('APP_ENV');
echo 'The current environment is ' . $environment . '.';

If you are in the local environment, for instance, this script will print out ‘The current environment is local.’.

Advanced Usage of Environment Detection

Determining the current environment can also be done using closures which makes it ideal for more complex scenarios:

if (App::environment('local')) {
    // The environment is set to local
    // Register a service provider exclusive to this environment

You can also check for multiple environments at once:

if (App::environment(['local', 'staging'])) {
    // The environment is local or staging

Laravel’s environment method is quite flexible. The previous snippet will return true if the environment is either ‘local’ or ‘staging’.

Environment Configuration

One of Laravel’s powerful features is its ability to configure services per environment. Services are often registered within service providers, and you can conditionally load service providers based on the current environment:

public function register()
    if ($this->app->environment('local')) {

Here, Laravel Telescope is only registered if the app is in the ‘local’ environment.

Testing Against the Current Environment

When writing tests in Laravel, you often need to make assertions based on the current environment. One can utilize the RefreshingDatabase trait on tests that should only run on a certain environment:

 * A simple feature test example.
 * @return void
public function testBasicFeature()
    if (App::environment('testing')) {
        // This is only applicable in the 'testing' environment
    $response = $this->get('/');

The refreshDatabase function will only be called if the application is running in the ‘testing’ environment.

Environment-Determined Configuration Files

Laravel allows you to have different configuration files for different environments. For example, you can have a separate database configuration for your ‘local’, ‘staging’, and ‘production’ environments. Naming the configuration files with the respective environment names makes Laravel load the appropriate configurations automatically.

'connections' => [
    'mysql' => [
        // Default database connection settings

    'pgsql' => [
        // ...

Assuming you have database.php configuration files on config/local/, config/staging/, etc., they will be used based on the current environment settings.

Using DotEnv for Environment Configuration

Laravel by default utilizes the DotEnv PHP library for its environment configuration. You can create a .env file for each environment using the .env.local, .env.staging, etc., naming convention and Laravel will load the appropriate file based on the application’s environment setting.

This practice securely manages your environment keys and helps in the automated deployment process where your environment can change based on the context (development, testing, or production).


In summary, Laravel provides a variety of methods to check and use the application’s current environment setting throughout your application’s lifecycle. It ranges from simple checks within your code to environment-based configuration settings which are vital for running your application in different contexts without hassle.