How to drop a trigger in PostgreSQL

Updated: January 5, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Understanding how to manage database triggers is crucial for efficient database administration. This tutorial details the steps to remove triggers from a PostgreSQL database.

What is a Trigger in PostgreSQL?

Before diving into the removal of triggers, it is essential to understand what a trigger is. A trigger in PostgreSQL is a function invoked automatically when an operation such as INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE is performed on a table. Triggers are used for maintaining the integrity of the data, enforcing business rules, and auditing changes.

Basic Syntax for Dropping Triggers in PostgreSQL

The basic command to remove a trigger in PostgreSQL is as follows:

DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trigger_name ON table_name;

This command will remove the trigger named trigger_name on the table table_name if it exists. If it does not exist, the command will not throw an error thanks to the IF EXISTS clause.

Understanding the Command and its Components

The DROP TRIGGER command is used to remove an existing trigger. The IF EXISTS is an optional clause that checks for the trigger’s existence to prevent an error if it does not exist. trigger_name is the name of the trigger you want to remove, and table_name is the name of the table from which you are removing the trigger.

Example: Dropping a Simple Trigger

Here is how to drop a simple trigger named ‘my_trigger’ from the table ‘my_table’:

DROP TRIGGER my_trigger ON my_table;

Working with Schemas

In PostgreSQL, tables are organized into schemas. If the trigger you wish to drop is in a specific schema, you need to include the schema name in the command:

DROP TRIGGER my_trigger ON my_schema.my_table;

If you don’t specify the schema, PostgreSQL will use the first table it finds with the specified name in the search path, which may or may not be the one you are targeting.

Dropping Triggers from a Specific Schema

To ensure you are targeting the correct table, always specify the schema name:

DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS my_trigger ON my_schema.my_table;

This avoids any unintended consequences resulting from accidentally addressing a table of the same name in a different schema.

Deleting Multiple Triggers

If you need to remove multiple triggers simultaneously, you must execute the DROP TRIGGER command for each trigger individually.

DROP TRIGGER trigger_one ON my_table;
DROP TRIGGER trigger_two ON my_table;

PostgreSQL does not currently support the deletion of multiple triggers in a single DROP TRIGGER command.

Using Conditional Execution to Avoid Errors

Rarely, when automating database maintainance scripts, you may not be sure if a certain trigger exists. This is where IF EXISTS becomes particularly helpful. By using this clause, you avoid execution errors that halt your script.

DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trigger_one ON my_table;

The above statement would drop ‘trigger_one’ if it exists, and if it doesn’t, PostgreSQL will provide a notice but not an error.

Advanced: Dropping Triggers Involving Functions

Triggers in PostgreSQL are usually associated with trigger functions. It may be necessary to also remove these functions once a trigger is dropped. Firstly, drop the trigger:

DROP TRIGGER my_trigger ON my_table;

Then, drop the associated function:

DROP FUNCTION my_trigger_function();

Be cautious with this older trigger functions that are not used by any other trigger should be removed to prevent wasting resources.

Cascade Deletion

When other objects in the database depend on a trigger function, use the CASCADE option:

DROP FUNCTION my_trigger_function() CASCADE;

This will remove the function and anything that depends on it. Use this command with caution, as it can have extensive implications on your database integrity and logic.

Error Handling

It’s a good practice to be aware of potential errors while dropping triggers. The most common error is attempting to drop a non-existent trigger. With the IF EXISTS clause, this error is turned into a warning, which is typically more manageable in automated scripts and batch operations.

Restricting Trigger Deletion

In contrast to the CASCADE keyword, you can use RESTRICT to prevent the deletion of a trigger function if any dependencies exist. This keyword ensures that you don’t accidentally delete important database components:

DROP FUNCTION my_trigger_function() RESTRICT;


You’ve learned ways to drop triggers in PostgreSQL (including both basic and advanced ones). This tutorial ends here. Happy coding & have a nice day!