How to Drop an Index in PostgreSQL

Updated: January 6, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Understanding how to efficiently remove indexes is just as critical as knowing how to create them. In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to drop an index in PostgreSQL through practical examples and best practices, ensuring smooth database optimizations and maintenance.

Before we dive into the process of dropping an index in PostgreSQL, ensure you have the following:

  • A working PostgreSQL database where you can create and drop indexes.
  • Basic knowledge of SQL and PostgreSQL syntax.
  • Access to a user account with sufficient permissions to modify the database structure.

Basic Index Dropping

To drop an index in PostgreSQL, you can use the DROP INDEX command followed by the index name:

DROP INDEX index_name;

Ensure that you replace index_name with the actual name of the index you want to drop.

Dropping an Index Concurrently

For live systems, it’s often necessary to drop indexes with minimal impact on database performance. The CONCURRENTLY option allows you to drop the index without locking the table:


Note: To use the CONCURRENTLY option, you must be a superuser or the owner of the index.

Dropping an Index If Exists

To avoid errors if the index does not exist, you can use the IF EXISTS clause:


This command ensures that no error is returned if the index has already been removed or does not exist.

Dropping Multiple Indexes

You can drop multiple indexes in one command by listing their names, separated by commas:

DROP INDEX index_one, index_two, index_three;

It’s a swift way to clean up unneeded indexes from your database.

Cascading Index Drops

When an index is linked to a foreign key constraint, you may need to use the CASCADE option:


The CASCADE option will drop any database objects that depend on the index, such as constraints.

Dropping Indexes from a Specific Schema

If you have multiple schemas, you can specify the schema when dropping an index:

DROP INDEX schema_name.index_name;

This is important to ensure that you do not accidentally drop an index from the wrong schema.

Verifying Index Drops

After dropping an index, you might want to verify that it has been removed:

SELECT * FROM pg_indexes WHERE indexname = 'index_name';

If the query returns no rows, then the index has been successfully dropped.

Advanced Use Cases

For more complex scenarios, you may need to combine multiple commands or options:

For example, if you want to drop an index but only if a certain condition is met, you might write a PL/pgSQL function or use a DO statement:

DO $
    IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pg_indexes WHERE indexname = 'index_name') > 0 THEN
        DROP INDEX index_name;
    END IF;

This code checks if the index exists and only then proceeds to drop it.


Dropping indexes is an essential part of database management and performance tuning. In this tutorial, we have covered how to safely remove indexes in PostgreSQL using the DROP INDEX command along with various clauses and options to cater to different requirements and scenarios. Remember to always backup your database before making structural changes and test these commands in a development environment before applying them to production systems.