How to empty a table in MySQL 8 (erase all data but keep the table structure)

Updated: January 25, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


MySQL, the world’s most popular open-source relational database management system, is used for a wide range of purposes, from web applications to data warehousing to logging applications and more. An important aspect of managing databases involves the ability to quickly and safely manipulate the data within tables. Often, one needs to clear out all data from a table without deleting the table itself, which maintains its structure for future data. This tutorial will show you how to empty a table in MySQL 8, ensuring that all the data is erased but the table structure remains intact.


  • A working installation of MySQL 8.
  • Basic knowledge of SQL commands.
  • Access to a user account with adequate permissions to modify the databases and tables you intend to work with.

Using the TRUNCATE TABLE Command

The simplest way to delete all rows from a table in MySQL is by using the TRUNCATE TABLE command. This SQL statement is a convenient shortcut for deleting all rows from a table without having to use a DELETE statement, and is faster in most cases as it bypasses most of the mechanisms of deletion, such as checking constraints for each row.

TRUNCATE TABLE your_table_name;

Output: MySQL returns a message indicating the command has been executed successfully.

Understanding the TRUNCATE TABLE Behavior

When you execute a TRUNCATE TABLE, MySQL performs the following:

  • It effectively drops the table and recreates it. This operation is why it’s faster than DELETE.
  • InnoDB tablespace for the table is deallocated and a new one is created.
  • Because it’s a DDL (Data Definition Language) statement, it commits any active transactions and cannot be rolled back.

Advantages of TRUNCATE over DELETE

Compared to the DELETE statement, TRUNCATE has several advantages:

  • It’s faster because it doesn’t scan the rows to be deleted.
  • Much less undo information is generated.
  • Frees the space occupied by the table.

However, TRUNCATE is not without limitations:

  • It cannot be used if there are foreign key constraints referencing the table.
  • You cannot specify a WHERE clause to filter rows.
  • It cannot be used on tables that are involved in replication or have triggers defined.

Using the DELETE Command

If the limitations of TRUNCATE make it unsuitable for your needs, you can always use the DELETE command. While slower, it’s more flexible.

DELETE FROM your_table_name;

Output: MySQL returns a message indicating the number of rows affected, which in this case should correspond to the number of rows that was in the table before it was emptied.

Optimizing DELETE Performance

If you’re dealing with a large volume of data and performance is a concern, here are a few techniques:

  • Delete rows in smaller chunks using a WHERE clause.
  • Reduce the bulk of uncommitted transactions by committing periodically.
  • Consider disabling indexes as this can sometimes speed up the deletion process.
  • After a DELETE, perform an OPTIMIZE TABLE operation.

Resetting Auto Increment Values

If your table includes an auto-increment primary key, you might want to reset it to start fresh after emptying the table contents:

ALTER TABLE your_table_name AUTO_INCREMENT = 1;

Output: Changes the starting point for the next row’s auto-increment value back to 1 or to the next available value that you specify.

Empty Table with Constraints

Should your table be referenced by a foreign key, the TRUNCATE command will not work. The DELETE command needs to be combined with other steps:

  1. Temporarily disable the constraint check.
  2. Delete the data.
  3. Re-enable the constraint check.
DELETE FROM your_table_name;

Other Considerations

  • Always back up your data before mass deletion operations.
  • Ensure you understand the impact on related tables and data integrity.
  • Emptying a table may impact your application, so always confirm with stakeholders prior to performing such tasks.


Emptying a table in MySQL is a straightforward task that can be performed using the TRUNCATE TABLE or DELETE commands. It’s always important to be aware of the differences between these methods and choose the one that fits your specific scenario.