How to escape special characters in MySQL 8

Updated: January 26, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


When working with MySQL or any other relational database, it’s inevitable to encounter special characters within data that require proper handling to maintain the integrity of SQL statements. Special characters can disrupt the flow of an SQL command and potentially open the door to SQL injection attacks if not handled correctly. By the end of this tutorial, you will learn multiple ways to safely escape special characters in MySQL 8, enhancing the security and robustness of your database interactions.

MySQL uses certain characters for specific functions within queries. Characters such as single quotes ('), double quotes ("), backslashes (\), and NULL are considered special because they serve as string delimiters, escape characters, or represent absence of data, respectively.

Basic Escaping Using Backslashes

The simplest method to escape special characters in MySQL is by using a backslash (\). When you add a backslash before a special character, MySQL interprets the next character literally. Below are a few examples to illustrate basic escaping:

SELECT 'O\'Reilly';   -- Output: O'Reilly
SELECT "He said, \"Hello!\"";   -- Output: He said, "Hello!"

Dealing with Backslash Characters

Escaping a backslash character requires two backslashes (\\), since a single backslash escapes the following character:

SELECT 'This is a backslash: \\';  -- Output: This is a backslash: \


In some scenarios, you may want to treat backslashes as regular characters and not as escape characters. This can be done by enabling the NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES SQL mode within your session or globally for all sessions:

SELECT 'This is a backslash: \\';   -- Output: This is a backslash: \\

Escaping Special Characters in Pattern Matching

Special characters such as the percent sign (%) and the underscore (_) are used in pattern matching with LIKE operator. To use these characters literally, you must escape them:

SELECT '100%' LIKE '100\%';   -- Output: 1 (which means true)

Handling Multiple Special Characters

When there are multiple special characters that need to be escaped, you can chain the backslashes accordingly:

SELECT 'C:\\path\to\file.txt';   -- Output: C:\path\to\file.txt

Automating Escaping Using Functions

MySQL provides a built-in function called QUOTE() for escaping special characters in a more automated and reliable way, especially when dealing with data input from an unknown source:

SELECT QUOTE('Don\'t worry, be happy!');   -- Output: 'Don\'t worry, be happy!'

Beyond the QUOTE() function, client libraries for languages such as PHP, Python, or Java often provide their own methods or functions for escaping special characters safely to avoid SQL injection attacks. Always prefer to use parameterized queries or prepared statements offered by these libraries for the best security practices:

// Example in PHP using PDO
$pdo = new PDO($dsn, $user, $password);
$statement = $pdo->prepare('SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = :name');
$statement->bindValue(':name', "O'Reilly");


Escaping special characters is a fundamental task in preventing SQL injection and ensuring that your SQL commands execute as intended. The examples above cover various methods from fundamental escaping to more advanced techniques. While direct escaping has its place, for improved security, prefer the use of database-specific functions and client library methods for handling user input. Remember, preventing SQL injection is not just best practice; it is an absolute necessity for secure applications.