How to Fetch/Pull All Git Branches

Updated: January 28, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Effective version control is essential in a collaborative software development environment, and Git is one of the most popular version control systems among developers. Working with branches is a fundamental aspect of using Git, allowing you to manage different versions of your project simultaneously. In this tutorial, we will explore how to fetch and pull all branches from a remote repository in Git. This capability is crucial when you want to synchronize your local repository with its remote counterpart, ensuring you have access to all the latest changes. We’ll go over basic commands, common use cases, and advanced tips to work with multiple branches effectively.


  • Git installed on your machine.
  • Basic understanding of Git commands and workflow.
  • Access to a remote Git repository (like GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, etc.).

Fetching All Branches: The Basics

The git fetch command downloads objects and refs from another repository. When you fetch, you’re bringing your local copy up to date with the contents of the remote repository without forcing any changes into your working directory. By default, ‘git fetch’ does not fetch all branches; it fetches the branch that corresponds to the branch you currently have checked out, and updates ‘origin/HEAD’ and remote-tracking branches.

git fetch origin

To fetch all branches, you use the --all flag.

git fetch --all

Once completed, you can list all branches, including the ones just fetched, using the following command:

git branch -a

Pulling All Branches

The git pull command is essentially a combination of git fetch and git merge. It fetches the changes from the remote repository and merges them into your current branch. By default, git pull behaves similarly to git fetch – it only affects the current branch.

To demonstrate, let’s pull the changes from the remote into your current branch:

git pull origin master

This will fetch and merge changes from the ‘master’ branch of the remote named ‘origin’ into your current branch.

Advanced Fetching: Mirror Fetch

For a complete mirror of the remote repository, including all refs, you would use the --mirror option with fetch. This is usually done when you want to backup the entire repository, including all branches, tags, and other refs.

git fetch --mirror

Creating Local Tracking Branches

Fetching all branches doesn’t automatically create local branches to track the remote branches. To create a tracking branch for a specific remote branch, use the following command:

git checkout -b <branch_name> origin/<branch_name>

This command creates a new branch named <branch_name> and sets it to track the corresponding branch from ‘origin’. Repeat this process for each branch you want to track.

Fetching Pruned Branches

Sometimes, branches get deleted from the remote repository. The --prune option with fetch helps you delete the stale local references to remote branches that no longer exist.

git fetch --all --prune

This command will fetch all branches and prune (delete) any local references to remote branches that have been removed.

Automating Branch Synchronization

For those who frequently deal with multiple branches and need to keep their local repository in sync with the remote, adding a Git alias can save a lot of time. Here’s how to add a convenient alias to your Git configuration:

git config --global alias.sync "!git fetch --all --prune && for branch in `git branch -r | grep -v '\\->'`; do git branch --track ${branch#origin/} $branch; done"

Now, by running git sync, you will fetch all branches, prune any stale references, and set up tracking branches for all newly fetched branches.


Fetching and pulling all branches in Git can be a powerful way to stay in sync with the remote repository. Remember to use these strategies wisely and understand the implications of merging multiple branches. By following the examples and tips provided, you have the tools you need to effectively work with branches in your projects.