How to find closest value in NumPy array

Updated: January 23, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


NumPy is a powerful library for numerical computing in Python, widely used in the fields of data analysis, machine learning, scientific computing, and more. One common task when dealing with numerical data is finding the closest value in an array to a given point. This tutorial will guide you through various ways to accomplish this in NumPy, from basic to advanced techniques.

Before diving into the examples, be sure you have NumPy installed and imported:

import numpy as np

Lets get started with the simplest case where you have a flat array and need to find the single closest value to a given number.

Basic Example: Finding the Closest Value

Suppose you have the following array:

arr = np.array([2, 5, 1, 8, 4, 3])
number_to_find = 5.1

You want to find the closest value to 5.1 in the array. This can be done using NumPy’s np.abs() and np.argmin() functions.

closest_value_index = np.argmin(np.abs(arr - number_to_find))
closest_value = arr[closest_value_index]

This will output:


The np.abs() function calculates the absolute difference between each element in arr and number_to_find, and np.argmin() returns the index of the smallest value in that array. The index is used to find the closest value in the original array.

Handling Multidimensional Arrays

NumPy is often used with multidimensional arrays. Finding the closest value in such arrays requires a slight modification.

arr = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]])
number_to_find = 5.1

We can still use the same approach, flattening the array first:

flattened_arr = arr.flatten()
closest_value_index = np.argmin(np.abs(flattened_arr - number_to_find))
closest_value = flattened_arr[closest_value_index]

This will output:


arr.flatten() converts the 2D array into a 1D array, after which the same method as for flat arrays applies.

Optimizing for Large Arrays

With massive datasets, efficiency can become a concern. In certain scenarios, the classic method outlined above may not be the most efficient, especially if we’re repeatedly finding close values in an unchanging array.

For these situations, we can preprocess the array using efficient data structures, such as k-d trees for spatial queries. SciPy, which is built on top of NumPy, provides a module called spatial which allows us to perform these optimized searches.

from scipy.spatial import cKDTree

By creating a cKDTree, we can efficiently query the closest value:

arr = np.random.rand(10000)
number_to_find = 0.5
tree = cKDTree(arr.reshape(-1, 1))
distance, index = tree.query([[number_to_find]])
closest_value = arr[index]

This will also output the closest number to 0.5, but potentially much faster for large arrays. The reshape(-1, 1) call ensures that the array passed to cKDTree has the correct dimensions.

Finding All Values Within a Range

Sometimes, instead of a single closest number, we may want to find all numbers within a certain range of a given value. NumPy facilitates this as well:

arr = np.arange(10)  # An example of 0 to 9
values_within_range = arr[np.abs(arr - number_to_find) <= tolerance]

If number_to_find is 5 and the tolerance is 2, the output will be:

[3 4 5 6 7]

Where the returned values are within the tolerance of 2 units from 5.

Dealing with NaNs and Infs

In real-world data, arrays often contain NaN (not a number) or Inf (infinity) values, which can throw off calculations. It’s important to handle these before performing our closest value search:

arr = np.array([1, np.nan, 2, np.inf, 4])
number_to_find = 3

# Remove NaN and Inf values
clean_arr = arr[~np.isinf(arr) & ~np.isnan(arr)]
closest_value_index = np.argmin(np.abs(clean_arr - number_to_find))
closest_value = clean_arr[closest_value_index]


In the example above, np.isnan and np.isinf are used to create a boolean mask that filters out the unwanted values. Applying this mask gives us a clean array suitable for finding the closest value.

Working with Structured Arrays

NumPy allows you to create structured arrays where you can store complex data types. Finding the closest value in a structured array that, for example, contains both dates and numbers, adds complexity to the problem.

Lets assume we have the following structured array:

dtype = [('date', 'datetime64[D]'), ('value', 'float32')]
data = np.array([('2021-01-01', 2), ('2021-01-02', 5), ('2021-01-03', 1)], dtype=dtype)
number_to_find = np.datetime64('2021-01-02')

# Extract the 'date' field and find the closest value
date_arr = data['date']
closest_date_index = np.argmin(np.abs(date_arr - number_to_find))
closest_date = date_arr[closest_date_index]


Here, we use NumPy’s datetime64 data type to do calculations with dates. Note that the search process remains largely the same; we just have to extract the relevant field from the structured array.


Whether you’re working with simple flat arrays or complex multidimensional and structured data, NumPy provides a variety of methods to find the closest value to a given point. By understanding these techniques and their appropriate contexts, you can effectively manipulate and analyze your dataset. Always remember to consider preprocessing your data for NaN and Inf values, and leverage optimized data structures for larger datasets where efficiency is critical.